What Megadeth's best album was is questionable upon your own taste. As far as guitarist go, Friedman goes far beyond Chris Poland's speed picking, and book of tricks and licks. Try and get Chris Poland to use the whole tone scale as melodically as Friedman... I don't think so. One fact I do know is that Megadeth got a whole lot bigger after Countdown came out. Why? Better song writing and kick a$$ lead playing.
BTW- To the "Whatever happened to Chris Poland," question. Dave kicked him out. Everyone but Dave Ellefson (bass); Marty, and Nick who decided to leave to pursue other areas of their musical talent, were kicked out of the band by Dave.
[This message has been edited by BadHorsie (edited 06-22-2000).]
Ain't nothin' but a Gear thang, baby!