I got trounced for that last garbage comment, didn't I. Being a musician, I shouldn't have made such a statement in the first place. My frustrations were misplaced, and here's why:
When I hear bands like the ones I described as 'garbage' it makes me upset because these bands aren't doing anything to promote musical excellence. I know that's obviously not their goal, but when musicality isn't the emphasis of popular music, musicianship isn't encouraged amongst the greater part of society. In the 80's, despite the prevalence of the cheezy glam aesthetic, underneath the mascara somewhere was a great guitarist or a great drummer. Modern bands only have an aesthetic, and that's all.
Music has a huge impact on society. With that in mind, I sincerely believe that when musicianship and technicality are not encouraged in popular music, it can have negative effects on the quality of other parts of society.
So, in my frustration with the aforementioned situation, I called those other bands garbage.
Steve Vai once said:
"In the seventies, it was cool to be a good musician.
In the eighties, it was cool to be a virtuoso.
In the nineties, it was cool to be a hack."
I think that says it all.
I would really appreciated your input on all of this. I know that because you're all signed up to be on the website, you're all doing your part to promote musical scholarship. Let me know your feelings.
- Mr. Crowley
Education is a whip, and I'm being flogged.