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Guitar Tricks Moderator
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
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01/17/2002 12:58 am
Originally posted by hrckid
Did you ever here anything that Jimi Hendrix played out of tune or badly even? Half the stuff he played was played really crappy. Bet you rate him as one of the best guitarists ever don't you. If Jimi can play crappy and be revered then so can Kirk. I'll bet Kirk has inspired as many guys to pick up a guitar as Jimi has anyway.If not, more. The guys a living legend.

Jimi redefined the instrument, took blues to a new level and was an incoragable experimentor. Hammett has done none of those. He does have a very destinctive sound, and is definately a key figure in modern music though.

He was an early hero of my friend Mike, who after seeing Metallica live retired his wah pedal for months because he was so sick of the way they sound after seeing that show.
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