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Guitar Tricks Moderator
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
Posts: 2,907
01/17/2002 12:54 am
Originally posted by atc323
i dunno about that. if you talk about skill levels thats some shakey ground to tread when trying to compare different instruments, if you just try to say which sounds better then once again it's just a matter of taste

that post said "good jazz" not "good jazz guitar" and there IS a difference in my book. each instrument is used to express things in completely different ways, saying a note is a note is a very narrow viewpoint.

I think it's a very broad viewpiont- and probbably a very scarry one to a lot of guitarists. Jeebus, it could lead to brilliant and bizzar musical ideas that would change music forever, cross polination on a whole new level, swapping licks with assorted folk instruments and a far more amorphous vision than the Guitar-Drums-Bass-Vocals-maybe Keys notion of a band we all grew up with.

God forbid, the band pecking order turned right over!

Really - it's music, it's about expressing yourself and moving people. Everything in music relates to everything else, it's interchangable, and it's all comperable.
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