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Joined: 12/29/01
Posts: 26
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Joined: 12/29/01
Posts: 26
01/15/2002 10:43 pm
this IS a guitar site right? john coltrane played guitar?? either im an idiot (which is possible) or whoever made that post is a 'tard.. when we are having these arguments which are stupid and pointless anyways since like everyone keeps saying, its all about personal taste, at least try to stay on the subject of guitars.. i can handle most of these people that whine about what is "great music" but seriously at the very least lets stay in the context of guitars when possible

comparing some guy who played guitar to some guy who played flugelhorn just doesnt work, apples and oranges people!

oh and yeah if all those guys played guitar i apologize for being stupid and uninformed, i was sure coltrane was a trumpet player but i didnt feel like researching it k thx