D with F sharp is right on target. It's notated like this: D/F#. The language is: "D over F sharp". In musical terms, that means you are playing a D chord, but you are using a different Bass Note (not D, but in this case, F#)
To play it, it's a "standard" D chord, with the addition of your thumb wrapped to the second fret on the sixth string (that's the F#).
I have small hands too (heck, my entire profile does not rise much above 5' 1"). TMI. Sorry.
Anyway, when I first tried the thumb-thing, it seemed impossible to me too, but after some determined practicing and tweaking of my technique, it has now become absolutely central to my guitar playing and composing.
Don't give up! It's likely that with time and practice, you can stretch your muscles to accommodate this great technique.
Lisa McCormick, GT Instructor
Acoustic, Folk, Pop, Blues
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