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Joined: 02/03/05
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06/11/2009 10:30 pm
by ren

Welcome back to Music Theory Grade 1.

Last time in part three, we built on the key signatures and major scale construction of part two by adding scale degrees, intervals and triads. If you missed it or need a refresher, you can check out the first 3 parts of grade 1 music theory by following the links below:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

This time, we'll look at some commonly used symbols, beaming notes , musical directions and terms. There are several musical symbols and terms you'll need to read grade 1 music pieces, and to satisfy the requirements of Grade 1 music theory. Some you will recognise and some you may not, I'm afraid there are no shortcuts for committing them to memory.

Musical Symbols

Below are the symbols you need to understand in Grade 1:

Musical Terms

It will not doubt please you to learn (?) that all musical directions are in other languages. At this grade the terms you need to know are Italian, but French and German are also common. The list below are those required for grade one, the figures in brackets show abbreviations commonly used in notation:

A tempo - At the original speed /time

Accelerando (Acc.)- Gradually getting faster

Adagio - Slowly

Allegretto - Fairly quick

Allegro moderato - Moderately quick

Andante - At a walking pace

Cantabile - In a singing style

Crescendo (cresc.) - Gradually getting louder

Da capo (DC) - From the beginning

Dal segno - From the sign

Decrescendo - Gradually getting quieter

Diminuendo (dim.)- Gradually getting quieter

Fine - End

Forte (f)- Loud

Fortissimo (ff) - Very loud

Legato - Smoothly

Lento - Slow

Mezzo - Half

Mezzo forte (mf) - Moderately loud

Mezzo piano (mp) - Moderately quiet

Moderato - Moderately

Pianissimo (pp) - Very quiet

Piano (p) - Quiet

Poco - A little

Rallentando (rall) - Gradually getting slower

Ritardando (rit.)- Gradually getting slower

Ritenuto - Held back

Staccato - detached

And that, together with the first three parts completes the syllabus for music theory grade 1. Be sure to check out some sheet music so you can see some of these in practice. Next time, a quiz to show you how this is applied to real music, and to check we're on track so far.

See you again next time.

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