Dean Artist CSE Electric Acoustic
Ibanez RG570 Electric
I had the electric first and at the time like any teenager I just wanted to be really loud with some power chords and impress my friends. The acoustic came a few years later, and I've really taken to that and love it.
So, my question is this. It will deal with the acoustic mainly. I'm at the stage in my playing ability where I can play almost anything after some listening to a song or if getting stuck finding a tab to get a starting point. But my main problem is I have a hard time coming up with my OWN songs. Sure, I can play a lot of well known songs, but that isn't very fun. I want to be creative and come up with my own creations. Now, I can but its very slow, and the songs I come up with are basic. Using open chords, barre chords, or leaving the top two stings open all the time, or even just putting it in an open tuning. But its all chords.
To try and break this habbit I have been trying to learn songs that include a lot of slides and single notes as well as the chords, Dave Matthews for example. Ok, I can learn those songs, but when I sit down and try to write something like that I just have a hard time with it.
Where do you start with that? I'm just a little frustrated because it seems like I've hit a brick wall with my learning curve, and until I can become better at this I can't advance my skills.
[EDIT] The dean link won't show up right for some reason. [/EDIT]
[Edited by msula on 01-05-2002 at 11:03 AM]