Originally Posted by: dburchHi,
could someone please explain how the notes on the fret board work? Is there some sort of sense to the way they are laid out? I can see that the notes seem to start at zero fret and work down from there, then the same on the next string, but it just isnt clicking for me. Is there a common sense reason for the way they are laid out?
Thanks in advance.
If you don't try to over think it, it comes more naturally. Learn the chords, learn the notes on each string.
If there is any one thing you would want to know is this:These are the order of notes on the fretboard:
A >
A sharp >
B >
C >
C sharp >
D >
D sharp >
E >
F >
F sharp >
G >
G sharpRemember that this is the order that the notes go in on all strings.
So, each string on the fretboard represents a key/pitch/note. So the biggest string (the '6' string) in standard guitar tuning is tuned to the key of 'E' or otherwise known as the 'Low E'.
So, that starting point for what note your hitting with the 'open' (untouched) Low E string is 'E'. Your note order goes up from there as follows:
E >
F >
F sharp >
G >
G sharp >
A >
A sharp >
B >
C >
C sharp >
D >
D sharpThis brings you to the twelfth fret. This is the octive. At the twelfth fret, you start that 'E, F, F sharp' all over again.
You follow the same process with the '5th string' but that one is tuned to 'A' so it goes as follows:
A >
A sharp >
B >
C >
C sharp >
D >
D sharp >
E >
F >
F sharp >
G >
G sharpThis same type of pattern follows for all strings as follows. The tuning of each string is:
6=E > 5=A > 4=D > 3=G > 2=B > 1=E
The illustration someone posted was a good visual.
With this layout of the strings, you build your chords. If you know what note is where on each string, being albe to make chords and stuff easier. Don't worry about figuring out if how you hold chords makes some sense, they are just a collection of notes that sounds good together when struck.
As you go through lessons, it will make sense as you go but you want to just know where things are at right now and time with learning will make the other stuff come together.