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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
Posts: 2,907
01/05/2002 12:33 am
After reading a few show reviews, and thinking back to standing outside The Asylum in Portland, ME the issue of violent shows has been mulling in my mind. Now I think everybody who's into music and is in the New England area of the US can related directly to FSU, and I know there are other similar groups out there. We're talking about groups of people who organize, go to shows, and fight. We're not talking moshing here, we're talking two people pinning somebody else down while three people kick them.

So where do you all feel the band fits in here? Intervention? Keep playing? Side with one of these gangs? I've seen and heard of examples of all three. Hell, JP the drummer from Clutch actually jumped off stage to break one of these fights up a few years ago at The Middle East in Cambridge, MA. In that instant, a few FSU pukes with a hammer were mauling some hapless bastard up front.

Let the discussion flow: How responsible are we?

[Edited by Raskolnikov on 01-04-2002 at 07:39 PM]
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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