Just wanted to say that I'm loving this website. My learning of guitar has been chaotic to say the least...self taught...no structure..bouncing all over the place...needless to say, 10 years of guitar playing has left me no more than an extremely mediocre wannabe guitarist.
However, on this site, I'm finding some very structured and interesting instruction. I went through the fundamental courses quickly, discovering that I knew more about guitar playing than I had first thought. Then I started the first country guitar course..For the most part that course was like a review for me, further encouraging me with revelations that I had actually learned something after all these years. Andy Gurly's lessons on Riffs at the end of that course was exceptionally interesting, and indeed something that I needed work on..and will continue to work on.
I am at the moment going through Mr. Christopher Schlegel's tutorial on chord inversions, and I must say that this is MOST interesting. I've always struggled with the CAGED theory and the idea of inversions, but these lessons are actually making things click for me. I can't say that I quite understand the whole inversion thing yet, but I'm much closer than I was. At least on the right path.
Anyway, I'm glad I found this site. It has renewed my love of the guitar and it has actually made me start thinking that I might actually be able to be decent guitarists.
Thanks a lot!!