Brand New Axe... is killing me!

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05/11/2009 11:00 pm
I just got a new electric and can't keep my hands off of it!

My problem is that when I practice and jam for hours, my right leg starts hurting (I'm RH), and the other day I felt like I had a pinched nerve for a whole day!

I was wondering if any of you seasoned veterans have a solution to this. And please don't tell me to take it easy on the grid :o It's not going to happen ever! It's an RG, not heavy at all, and I try to watch my posture.

Any tips on how to sit? should I use a strap?

Thanks in advance!
# 1
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05/12/2009 12:41 am
Are you standing or sitting when you're playing?
# 2
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05/12/2009 1:22 am
Originally Posted by: noblezada should I use a strap?

My opinion is yes. I have always practiced with a strap. You do not have to worry about the guitar position or support with anything but your back and I assume you mean by an RG that it is an Ibanez. Agreed that it will be light enough that you kill your back. By hanging by a strap, you can focus on your playing and nothing else.

My opinion.
# 3
Neal Walter
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Neal Walter
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05/12/2009 1:29 am
I would change it up once in awhile to keep your body balanced. Try playing on your left leg if you're comfortable with it, use a strap, take 10 and go for a walk. Definately STRETCH, very important, this will help the blood flow in your leg and help your muscles stay limber.
Or, try playing on a friends leg for awhile.


[FONT=Book Antiqua][FONT=Arial][FONT=Tahoma]Neal
GT Channel Host[/FONT]
# 4
Telecastered Instructor
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05/12/2009 8:57 am
Hey noblezada,
I use a wireless when I perform, so I stand up, walk around, solo on tables, and sometimes on a bar, lol. I definitely use a strap, and I usually have the locks on it. I used to walk from room to room when I practiced, so I've always been more comfortable standing.

You have to do what's right for you though, try some different things like standing, and sitting in chairs, see what feels most comfortable to you. Where your guitar hangs can make a difference also, too low can hurt your back, and leg pain or numbness can be caused by back problems. The reason I wanted you to know that, is because you said it felt like a pinched nerve or something. I've been through that, and it was, and is a back problem.

Some guys also lean on the guitar when practicing, this can push it into your leg. Doing that for a long period of time, can make a difference in your circulation.

You said you use correct posture, so you probably just have to let your body catch up with your practice schedule.

# 5
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05/22/2009 6:33 pm
Thanks for all of the tips!

I've been heavy into the Yoga, and running, so that's helping me get back into the lab and practicing even more.

I'm definitely sitting majority of the time so I'll change it up and practice standing.

I do lean into the guitar and put pressure on that right leg.... sometimes I forget about everything else and get lost in the fretboard.

Thanks again guys. Please post more tips and tricks about practicing efficiently and pain free!

# 6
Telecastered Instructor
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Telecastered Instructor
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05/22/2009 11:15 pm
If you practice standing with a strap, you want it adjusted so that your forearm and wrist are in the same position as when you're sitting. You will probably have to experiment, and readjust it a couple of times before you feel comfortable with it. Most everyone has a different preference, but you don't want the guitar to hang too low. This can cause other problems in the future, and it seems like you've got a handle on the earlier problems now.

Have a great wekend, and enjoy playing that new guitar.
# 7

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