My pinky really hurts

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03/29/2009 9:09 pm
Hello everyone! I am new to the site and new to the craft. I am going through the beginner videos and I am having trouble with the C G majors.. My pinky REALLY hurts, is this normal? I am picking the C 3 times and the G three times with a mute between.

I am playing a brand new Martin Dreadnought it is pure mahogany and it sang to me at the guitar store. (1000.00) I tuned it which was fun! But I am afraid that it may not be for me because I am having trouble playing it, my fingers hurt like hell and I have a tendency to MUTE on accident other strings with my left hand.

I guess what I am asking is does finger dexterity and pain relief come in time?
# 1
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03/29/2009 9:52 pm
Im sure someone else will jump in here...
just my 2 cents though in the meantime

if you are just starting out your fingers will need some time to get stronger ( lisa's spider exercises are great for that ). They need to get used to the positions of the chords and working on stretching/muscle memory. In time you will build caluses on the tips of your fingers which is very important.

Consistent practice and time is your answer.....the pinky is in my opinion the least used (depending on your style of course...not so much if you are concentrating on jazz) and as the smallest finger it takes more to build up but youll get there.

I wish I had a martin to learn on...or play period..lolol...

make sure you check your strings too....they shouldnt be discolored or rusty. I know a guy who always plays on old strings and it drives me crazy.
Nowadays they make coated strings which can be a little easier on the fingers...but that is all opinion and tatse. I use the Elixer nanoweb coated ones.

Hang in there and keep playing...
# 2
Neal Walter
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03/30/2009 1:16 am
Hi snow4dayz,
Yes that's normal and the pinky is the weakest finger so it does take time to strengthen it. The steel string acoustic is a little hard on the fingers especially if you're beginning but I wish I had a Martin too! don't give up on it, the finger toughness will come in time and you've got a great guitar, you were smart to invest wisely, you're playing will sound better and become a better player faster with a quality guitar like that.
You could, if you wanted, try a lower gauge sting set (thinner) for a little bit till your fingers toughen up. But, I think 'hang in there and keep playing' is the best advice.

[FONT=Book Antiqua][FONT=Arial][FONT=Tahoma]Neal
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# 3
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03/30/2009 4:12 am
Thanks for the replies I will look into the spider exercises! Oh and I love this Martin, it sounds good even though I don't know how to use it, one day....
# 4
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03/30/2009 1:16 pm
just out of curiosity what made you jump into such an awesome guitar just starting out? I think thats awesome....
# 5
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03/30/2009 1:57 pm
Hi Snow,

You've gotten some good tips and advice here. In case you want to try the Spider Legs exercises, here is the link:


They start out nice and easy (no pinky at all!) and work the skill-set up gradually. You can pick the level that feels right for you, and stick with it for a while until you feel it's time to ramp it up a bit.

(Yay Martin Guitars!)

Good luck and keep us posted - Lisa
Lisa McCormick, GT Instructor
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03/30/2009 3:49 pm
Originally Posted by: snow4dayzHello everyone! I am new to the site and new to the craft. I am going through the beginner videos and I am having trouble with the C G majors.. My pinky REALLY hurts,

Hi Snow,

I'm curious as to why you're using the pinky for the G and C chord (esp., the C). For both of these chords, I use my first three fingers.

Instead of fretting the 5th string on the third fret with the pinky, try using your third (ring) finger for the C.

For the G, try using the ring finger on 1st string 3rd fret.

I find only 2 open chords that I need to use my pinky: the B and the F.

# 7
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03/31/2009 1:41 am
Originally Posted by: snow4dayzHello everyone! I am new to the site and new to the craft. I am going through the beginner videos and I am having trouble with the C G majors.. My pinky REALLY hurts, is this normal? I am picking the C 3 times and the G three times with a mute between.

I am playing a brand new Martin Dreadnought it is pure mahogany and it sang to me at the guitar store. (1000.00) I tuned it which was fun! But I am afraid that it may not be for me because I am having trouble playing it, my fingers hurt like hell and I have a tendency to MUTE on accident other strings with my left hand.

I guess what I am asking is does finger dexterity and pain relief come in time?

Finger dexterity and pain releif (pain relief might come with calluses) will come with time. Try and use your pinky more and it should get stronger. You should probably use your pinky in those chords to build a stronger pinky you got to use it more. You made need to have a stronger pinki in the future. Plenty of guitarists I know have trouble with there pinky. GOOD LUCK
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04/02/2009 2:18 am
All the same, although it was my third guitar, in my 6 months, I bought a $600 Ibanez articore acoustic/electic hollow body, and it sounds beautiful. It too sang to me in the music store. I havent had any problems with callouses on my fingers, maybe im not playing hard enough, or maybe it was from playing too much guitar hero?¿?
# 9
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03/03/2018 1:01 am

Learninganew, there are some variations on the C and G open chords which use the pinky. When I started learning to play, I was listening predominantly to David Gilmour's style, and on some songs, such as Wish You Were Here, you can hear him using four fingers instead of three to chord it. The ring finger is fretting on the B string on the third fret, and the pinky is fretting on the adjacent E, also on the third fret. When moving to a D chord, the pinky comes up, and the index finger forms a barre on the bottom 3 strings at the second fret. The chord shape "pivots" around that ring finger, making for a fast, smooth transition.

The C chord can also be played with four fingers. Instead of putting the ring finger down on the A string at the third fret, put it on the E string at the third fret and put the pinky where the ring finger usually goes. This doubles the G note in the chord. The Hal Leonard chord finder book shows the C chord this way.

I came upon this forum while looking into my own pinky pain. snow4dayz doesn't mention where specifically the pinky finger hurts. My problem is in the last part of the digit, in the fleshy pad between the joint and the tip. It's happening, evidently, because I have trouble bringing the pinky down properly at high tempo. I'm working on it, but for the time being it seems as though I'm doomed to bring the edge of the finger into contact with the string rather than the tip. The result is something like a crush or blunt-trauma injury to the finger.

I'm hoping I can find tips on how to use correct form with that finger, but as I push the metronome faster, it gets harder to do.

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02/24/2019 7:23 pm

I'm jsut here to say I'm jealous as crap that you're learning on a martin man. Damn. Damn.

# 11

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