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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,406
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,406
03/23/2009 1:48 pm
Originally Posted by: JoR0Hi, I'm currently knee deep in theory and preparing for the dive ...[/quote]
I have a tutorial that is a quick but comprehensive overview of music theory:
[QUOTE=JoR0] since there are places in the theory alphabet soup where it skips the sharp/flat i.e. E-F does that still raise the tone 1/2 step on the frets or does it lap over into a full step?

The musical alphabet consisits of whole steps (a "full step"; or 2 frets) between most letters:

A to B, C to D, D to E, F to G, G to A

The exceptions are B to C and E to F. Those are only a half step apart (they are "right next" to one another on the fretboard).

It is the letters that are a whole step apart that allows for accidentals (sharps and flats).

I covered all this extensively in 2 threads in my instructor forum:

Look here for lessons that cover this topic:

Keep clicking the NEXT button over the video player.

Until you get to this lesson with a fretboard image to help see all the notes on the guitar:

Hope this helps. Happy learning and playing!
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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