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Kevin Taylor
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 03/05/00
Posts: 4,722
Kevin Taylor
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 03/05/00
Posts: 4,722
02/19/2009 3:40 am
Sounds really good :)

I've been trying horns and strings on some of my own recent stuff so I've been learning first hand how hard it is to recreate the originals on a keyboard.

You can definitely hear some parts where they are obviously VST instruments. (although I might only be noticing it because I've spent the last few days working on horns myself)
Mostly on the attack of some of the horn parts.

If this was one of my own recordings, I'd probably tighten things up more if possible. There are some parts of the recording that are out of beat and they're distracting.
It could also do with remixing with a more natural room sound and tweaking some parts where multiple lead parts are clashing with each other... either by creating their own EQ area to lie in or boosting the better sounding lead part while pulling the other back temporarily.

The vocal parts need more energy... kinda like guys in a real club, smiling and having fun.

Last but not least, I'd run it through some mastering software and using a compressor and limiter, add a little more energy to the whole thing.

It's great as it is. Just needs a little tweaking, tightening up and EQing.