View post (Big Band era styled piece)

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Joined: 12/11/07
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Registered User
Joined: 12/11/07
Posts: 84
02/18/2009 10:21 pm
I've totaly remixed this one.. unfortunatly I had to introduce some more VST horns which is counter to the original idea of my having all real horns.. still, more are real than not..

I would like to hear any feedback from those who heard the original as if I am heading in a better direction, or if I have ruined the integrity of the very organic original offering..

Any thoughts if you can find the time would be very beneficial as this is very much a work still in progress.. and I am a bit out of my range of having a clue what I am doing with this type of music.


Hip Hop Don't Stop (big band)
lo-fi URL:
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