New old guy

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12/04/2008 6:16 pm
Well 50 isn't that old or......nevermind! I was looking for a good website to get back into the guitar and I think I found it. I've been playing off and on for 40 years and it's amazing how much you forget if you don't keep in practice. I played in bands in the 70's & 80's and in '89 I broke my neck in a car accident. It took 15 years to get enough feeling back in my hands to play again. This past summer I decided to get back into music and bought myself a Fender deluxe ash strat and a Peavey Windsor half stack. The amp could use better speakers but it works for now.
I don't work anymore due to an injury while I was in the army, so I get paid pretty well to sit home and get back into practice. I'm would really like to play in a band again because it was the most fun and satisfying job I ever had.
Thanks for putting this website together. In the past month I made more progress then I thought possible. I wish there was something like this 30 years ago! For those just learning to play, just don't give up. I know it's not easy but before you know it you'll be playing songs from your favorite band-and loving every minute of it. I know I do! Take care and God bless, John
P.S.--K2BT is my ham radio call sign-my other hobby. Go to if you want to check it out
Gibson Les Paul Studio
Gibson SG Special
Marshall MA50 Head
Peavey Penta Full Stack Amp
Peavey Windsor Half-Stack
Boss GT-10 Guitar Processor
Springfield 1911 - 45cal to protect investment

K2BT- my amateur(ham) radio call sign
# 1
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12/04/2008 6:41 pm
Thanks for the words of encouragement to us new players, John. I can't wait to actually play songs :)

Also, you've been through a lot in your life, its good you're able to still play after breaking your neck! Wow.

Good luck to you!

# 2
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12/05/2008 3:25 pm
Hey Chris!Thanks for writing back- I would give you the same guarantee I gave my son (he's 14 and has been playing for 6 months) If you practice everyday for 1/2 hour you will know most of the chords and the guitar will start feeling like it's a part of you. From what I've seen it usually takes around 3 months. My son is playing his 1st gig in a couple of weeks. It's a school chorus concert and he's playing the Billy Joel song It's still rock and roll to me while they sing it. It's amazing really, 6 months ago he was ready to give up because his fingers hurt. Today I can't get him to do his homework because he's playing guitar or messin with my effects looking for "his" sound. I know you will do fine especially because you have this website which is fantastic! Keep jammin and oneday you'll be the onstage lovin every minute of it! If you get stuck on something give me a shout and I'll be glad to help. Take care and have a great day, John
Gibson Les Paul Studio
Gibson SG Special
Marshall MA50 Head
Peavey Penta Full Stack Amp
Peavey Windsor Half-Stack
Boss GT-10 Guitar Processor
Springfield 1911 - 45cal to protect investment

K2BT- my amateur(ham) radio call sign
# 3
Bryan Connolly
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Bryan Connolly
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12/05/2008 7:53 pm
Hey K2BT. Getting paid to stay at home and practice guitar is my dream, although I'd pass on the getting injured part. I've been teaching my brother-in-law how to play guitar and it's amazing how much progress he's made in a few short months despite his constant self-doubt. Hopefully he'll stop that once he becomes more comfortable with his guitar.

# 4
halfway to somewhere
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halfway to somewhere
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12/05/2008 10:57 pm
Hello, happy playin' - nice guitar !!
if you always take the lazy route
The Devil knows your every move ![COLOR=RoyalBlue]
# 5
Wayne Benjamin
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Wayne Benjamin
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12/16/2008 7:29 pm
hello there :)
# 6
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12/17/2008 4:10 pm
-.. . N6IB

Welcome fellow ham and guitar player.

But, I'm havn't been active for several years now. When I am I'm cw and QRP only at about 3 watts to a ground mounted vertical. No antennas allowed where I live now so have to go stealth! A few decades ago though I had the good fortune to have big antenna's and 1KW station and that was back when ham radio was really an adventure. Great times.

Anyway welcome and see you around...73's.

# 7
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12/20/2008 1:51 am
Wow that is very cool that you fought through he injury and are finally getting back to playing!!!! ROCK ON MY FRIEND!!!

First I would like to thank you for your time served in the armed force.
Second I very happy to hear that you are doing much better even thought it took so long.

I have a badly burned left hand and was told if I ever hold a large coffee can or softball again that would be a great success. I told the Doc he was F***** crazy.
I was very aggressive with my hand rehab and now, 10 years after the fire and seven surgeries, I have a FULLY functional hand and can make a full fist! Photos of my hand are in a number of medical journals to show other doctors and patients that with great determination full functionality is possible.

Now I ride my Harley with no problem pulling in the clutch and I can play the guitar. (well I can get my hand and fingers in the proper position, play it will be very soon.)

My be we can play together some day!

# 8
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12/20/2008 1:52 am
Wow that is very cool that you fought through he injury and are finally getting back to playing!!!! ROCK ON MY FRIEND!!!

First I would like to thank you for your time served in the armed force.
Second I very happy to hear that you are doing much better even thought it took so long.

I have a badly burned left hand and was told if I ever hold a large coffee can or softball again that would be a great success. I told the Doc he was F***** crazy.
I was very aggressive with my hand rehab and now, 10 years after the fire and seven surgeries, I have a FULLY functional hand and can make a full fist! Photos of my hand are in a number of medical journals to show other doctors and patients that with great determination full functionality is possible.

Now I ride my Harley with no problem pulling in the clutch and I can play the guitar. (well I can get my hand and fingers in the proper position, play it will be very soon.)

My be we can play together some day!

# 9
Bobby Howe
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Bobby Howe
Joined: 06/18/06
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12/22/2008 1:30 am
Hello Ron and John (N6IB and K2BT),

W9GRH here...looks like we got us a round table goin' here! Couldn't resist jumpin' into the group with the call.

John, I'm glad to hear that you are back to playing after the accident you had. Don't give sounds like you've made great progress.

Ron, I also like QRP a lot! Used to run 10M mobile with only 12 watts. Worked all kinds of DX with it.

Best to both of you guys (73) and the others in the group.

Bobby Howe
[FONT=Verdana]Bobby Howe[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana]Alias: guitargeorge50[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana]Guitar Tricks Instructor[/FONT]

Bobby Howe's My Space Page

Bobby Howe's Facebook Page

[FONT=Verdana]"Guitarists should be able to pick up the guitar and play music on it for an hour, without a rhythm section or anything." - Joe Pass[/FONT]
# 10
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12/22/2008 2:39 pm
Hey Ron, Mike and Wayne and George-Thanks for your kind remarks! I figured there must be a few hams here. It kind of fits together for me, especially when it comes to amplifiers. Tubes still rule there too! (HiHi) Mike you are quite an inspiration with all that you have been through. It must have been hard as hell for you to rehab that hand. Burns have to be the worst kind of pain out there. I had a 2nd degree burn once and you'll probably laugh your butt off, but back in '92 I was shooting off roman candles on my back porch with my son. I was sitting down and holding them in my hand (very stupid) and was wearing short pants. One of the fireworks shot out of the bottom, bounced off the frame of my chair and into my shorts and exploded on my butt cheek. I screamed bloody murder and jumped in the pool! I couldn't sit for a month! I have a nice scar there and my wife still gets tears in her eyes when she sees it because she's laughing so hard! But man did that ever hurt! Thanks everyone for writing back and I hope you all have a nice Christmas. Maybe one of these day's we can set up a qso, that would be cool! Take care, John
Gibson Les Paul Studio
Gibson SG Special
Marshall MA50 Head
Peavey Penta Full Stack Amp
Peavey Windsor Half-Stack
Boss GT-10 Guitar Processor
Springfield 1911 - 45cal to protect investment

K2BT- my amateur(ham) radio call sign
# 11

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