I don't work anymore due to an injury while I was in the army, so I get paid pretty well to sit home and get back into practice. I'm would really like to play in a band again because it was the most fun and satisfying job I ever had.
Thanks for putting this website together. In the past month I made more progress then I thought possible. I wish there was something like this 30 years ago! For those just learning to play, just don't give up. I know it's not easy but before you know it you'll be playing songs from your favorite band-and loving every minute of it. I know I do! Take care and God bless, John
P.S.--K2BT is my ham radio call sign-my other hobby. Go to k2bt.com if you want to check it out
Gibson Les Paul Studio
Gibson SG Special
Marshall MA50 Head
Peavey Penta Full Stack Amp
Peavey Windsor Half-Stack
Boss GT-10 Guitar Processor
Springfield 1911 - 45cal to protect investment
K2BT- my amateur(ham) radio call sign
Gibson SG Special
Marshall MA50 Head
Peavey Penta Full Stack Amp
Peavey Windsor Half-Stack
Boss GT-10 Guitar Processor
Springfield 1911 - 45cal to protect investment
K2BT- my amateur(ham) radio call sign