A maj and F maj

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Joined: 07/10/06
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Joined: 07/10/06
Posts: 18
11/24/2008 8:23 am

if i strum out Amaj and Fmaj what scale would i be in???

heres the prob:




Amaj Am Fmaj Emaj - [problem??? :confused: ]

firstly how can i explain or "justify" the use of Amaj [i.e moving beyond A Harmonic Minor].....to make matters worse, Am follows with Fmaj and Emaj to top it up.

ive tried to look at Melodic minors, pivot modulate but no pivot :D ....help :o
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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11/24/2008 10:41 pm
Originally Posted by: shapertakh
if i strum out Amaj and Fmaj what scale would i be in???

Not just one. :)

The problem you are trying to solve requires you to think in terms of modulation. This means to shift temporarily from the primary key (or scale) to another related key. You shift from one scale to another when the chords reflect this change should happen.

Amaj Am Fmaj Emaj - [problem??? :confused: ]

So you are in A major until you get to the A minor chord. Then you modulate to A minor. Until you get to the E major, then you modulate from natural minor to harmonic minor (or melodic minor if you like the sound). Those are just a few options.

Look for scales to match the chords you are playing over. Change the scale or just alter notes of the scale to reflect the notes in the chords when those changes occur.

I have a lot of tutorials on how scales and chords are related and basics of improvisation.
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

Christopher Schlegel Lesson Directory
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