I'm sure you get a constant stream of new people that wander into this forum to introduce themselves. Well, I'm the latest one. :)
Actually, I post this with a specific purpose. I'm hoping that some of the people on this forum who know their way around this site could give me some honest opinions.
Here's the deal: I'm considering trying to teach myself the guitar using this site. I recently joined a contemporary music group at my church, and while I'm more than happy doing the singing that I'm doing right now with the group, I also know that guitar skill could eventually come in handy and add some depth to the whole experience.
What I'm wondering is if I could truly learn the instrument solely by using this site. I've been browsing around for a few days now, I've read the testimonials, I've even signed up for the free membership so I can watch a few of the free lessons. Everything looks fantastic. I don't even have a problem with eventually spending $14.95 a month to gain full access...I'm just wondering how it will go once I start.
By this time, I'm sure everyone is thinking, "Well Marc, we can't really tell you because we have no idea of your musical skills in general." That is true, and that is why I'll give you a little background now. I played Alto Saxophone from 5th grade through 12th grade in elementary/high school. I sang in the high school choir my 12th grade year, and in the college choir for all 5 years of my college education (I sang bass and baritone). While in college, I also took piano lessons off and on (usually when I could fit it in my schedule). I can read treble clef easily, but I'm a little slower identifying notes on the bass clef. (Right now I look at a note on bass and think, "That's the same letter as the treble note that is a third above that position on the staff." Obviously, that's not the best method since it takes a couple seconds for my brain to process that information. Finally, I even have a little bit of experience with the guitar. When I say "little," I mean very little: I took lessons in a class setting for one semester in college, but I was simply too busy at the time to really put in the time required for it. I know how to hold the guitar and I could probably find C, F, and G Major chords if I really tried, but beyond that, I have no experience.
That brings me to the here and now -- roughly 10 years after college -- and this message. I don't even own a guitar yet, but I've been eyeing a few that I think would be suitable for a beginner instrument. So, to wrap it all up, what have people's experiences been with this site? Are there any people who started from scratch and can't believe what they're doing now?
I have a feeling I'll be giving this a whirl either way, but I'd be interested to hear what people have to say. I'm looking for more productive ways to use my free time instead of just surfing the internet or playing video games all the time. :D
Thanks for reading! (And sorry about the long post.)