comment on my band name

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10/12/2008 1:14 pm
my friends and I started a band 3 days ago.we usually play rock music,powerpop,indie rock music,and we usualy play our local indie rock bands,i figure out a band name,and its "Penguin".i named it penguin because penguins doesnt live with other

how does it look?childish enuff?well,we r indie kids,so Penguin makes us looks weirdo.
# 1
Kevin Taylor
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Kevin Taylor
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10/12/2008 11:13 pm
Originally Posted by: imperialismmy friends and I started a band 3 days ago.we usually play rock music,powerpop,indie rock music,and we usualy play our local indie rock bands,i figure out a band name,and its "Penguin".i named it penguin because penguins doesnt live with other

how does it look?childish enuff?well,we r indie kids,so Penguin makes us looks weirdo.

not sure how to react :)

Guess it's no worse than 'Pink Flamingos' or 'Face in Stagnant Water'.

Only thing I keep in mind for band names though is how easy it is to find your band using Google. If you get really popular people might have problems finding out info about you. Like, I started out calling my band Kevin Taylor and ending up getting 100,000 results showing lawyers and chefs so I changed it to Schmange. Now I know fer sure that any results are 99% mine. (except for this fat chick in Philadelphia who keeps stealing my name :cool: )

Maybe change your name to 'Pinguin' so there's no confusion?
# 2
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10/13/2008 9:23 am
yeah,thanks for the reply , it helps!

maybe i'll figure more bout my band name.

humm..what bout

Penguin Number Seven
# 3
Kevin Taylor
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10/13/2008 10:20 am
Yeah... that's better.

Try to imagine Dave Letterman or Jay Leno introducing your band (if yer lucky enough to get booked on one of those shows :)

How memorable will it be? Will it get lumped in with dozens of other weirdo names that nobody can remember?

I guess it's dependent on whether you're seriously into getting somewhere in the music industry with an indie or major label or if you're just coming up with a joke name for your friends and small gigs around town.

Another thing to keep in mind is you can make a mint from the sale of T-Shirts and other perephenalia and a really kewl, "rocker" soundin band name will make you more money from an audience than something goofy that makes you look gay. (not that there's anything wrong with that :rolleyes:

For instance, we used to have a band called "Slime Dogs From Hell" and always sold out our T-Shirts (actually making more money from t-shirt sales than the gig was paying us). The radio stations loved promoting us cause of the cool, raunchy name and at one point we became Q107's FM's house band.

Then we changed the name to "Doll Face" and could hardly sell any shirts at all. And nobody at the radio stations wanted to promote us.
We even tried changing the name to 'Bitch'n Boys' and they wouldn't promote that either cause it sounded too raunchy and it scared off the advertisers.

Rocker guys want a cool t-shirt to wear regardless of who the band is, and personally... I wouldn't be caught dead in a shirt that said "Doll Face". (or penguin for that matter)

I guess think of it this way.... why would anybody wear a shirt that said Penguin on it?. And you can make 75% profit on the sale of band products at shows.
# 4
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10/14/2008 12:38 pm
in my town,wearing a shirt with "penguin" on it sounds no problem.coz the kids are always there to support from malaysia,any name in english are well accepted except the rude words lol.the wierd name doesnt really matter,what matter is the quality of music that we brought.
# 5
earthman buck
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earthman buck
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10/15/2008 6:30 am
I like "Penguin." It's a good band name, especially for an indie band. Thumbs up.
# 6
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10/17/2008 3:13 pm
I think a band name is what you make of it. Some may be challenging as first impressions are lasting. Is someone going to read a club ad and come on out to see Penquin? Maybe...that's a tough call.
Better yet you need a statement (Catch-phrase) to back-up the name. For instance, one of my favorites was by a band called Speed Limit. Not a great name, but add:
"Speed Limit - It's Highway Rockery" Now it becomes a great name. ;)
Are there any good catch-phrases that can be added to "Penquin?" Lets see some ideas.
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10/18/2008 3:03 am
JPClef,u got a point there..humm,thinking rite now..
# 8
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10/21/2008 1:34 pm
How about, "A Great Band".
Introductions would be like, "I would bring you A Great Band!" or "Let's bring out A GReat Band. Or "An Awesome Band"! Don't use "A Stinkin' Band" or "A Bad Band". Actually those could work!
# 9
The Slasher
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11/06/2008 12:35 pm
How about 'Horny Penguin'?
# 10
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11/17/2008 11:01 pm
I think Penguin works as a good band name just as it is. Actually, when I first read through this thread I was reminded of the band Pelican. If they can get away with that... Still, everyone makes good points here about coming up with a band name.
# 11
Dielle Lodrick
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11/20/2008 8:41 am
I'm intrigued - what did you decide in the end?
I like Penguin Number Seven - very quirky!

# 12
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11/25/2008 11:47 pm
I say Penguins rock because they are one of the toughest cretures on earth. the walk (with that funky walk) for over 70 miles in freezing cold to hang out on the ice all winter to recreate, enduring the toughest conditions on the planet. So to be a Penguin is to survive!

I was listneing to an interview with the Foo Fighters. Now there was a band that just threw a name out there they really didn't expect to stick. Not a bad name, and a pretty cool band.

Go with Penguins...

:cool: Just Play Man... Just Play...
# 13
Kevin Taylor
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11/26/2008 12:40 am
You could always do something similar to "Flock of Seagulls" and go with "Waddle of Penguins" :)
# 14
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12/23/2008 6:52 am
i like the name, try changing the spelling though.

etc etc.
# 15
Douglas Showalter
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11/30/2009 6:29 am
I dig it. I am very partial to animal names; so as you may assume; I am a fan.
Douglas Showalter
# 16
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12/01/2009 3:34 am
Yea, penguin is cool.

I started a band years ago. I thought for a long time about what to name it. The more I though, the dumber the names. One day we were practicing and we kept messing up and were getting discouraged and fussy. I said something like, "Bleep, we are never gonna get it working like this, were stuck at zero..infinitely". Then, Bam.. "Infinite Zero" was born. We never got much further than a few local shows but it was fun. After that i played in a goth/industial band. It was all cheesy image, the steriotypical "Sisters of Mercy" sound B.S. and with a pretty steriotypical cheesy name that I wont say because they still exist.

Basically, I think the some of the best names are ones you just pull out of your ... butt spur of the moment and not always the one you spend a long time thinking up.
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12/22/2009 11:52 pm
i gotta go with penguin number seven. oh wait how about penguin seven. that is catchy.
how many people r in ur band?

bullet for my valentine 4 eva !!!!!!!!!
# 18

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