I want to subscribe...

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09/12/2008 7:50 am
im from australia and im thinking of subscribing..

can i? or is GT for U.S. residents only?

im a complete newbie by the way.

i hope this site helps me :D
# 1
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09/12/2008 10:27 am
This site is open to anyone (even Australians :D ).
Sign up and enjoy, it's a great learning tool and a great community.

# 2
The Slasher
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The Slasher
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09/12/2008 1:49 pm
That's right. It's for anyone with a credit card... or a PayPal account like me.
# 3
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09/13/2008 5:49 am
thanks for the reply :D

now all i need is a guitar :p
# 4
Jon Broderick
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Jon Broderick
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09/16/2008 11:37 pm
We like Australians, mate :)
Jon Broderick
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# 5
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09/17/2008 10:08 am
I am Australian.. hehe.. and I am not only a member but also an Administrator of the forums! :) Anything is possible.. even for us Aussies! :)
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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# 6
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09/17/2008 4:20 pm
Originally Posted by: light487I am Australian.. hehe.. and I am not only a member but also an Administrator of the forums! :) Anything is possible.. even for us Aussies! :)

Wow! I'm impressed. You sure are an important person! :)
Hey, went and saw a fellow Aussie friend Monday night, Tommy Emmanuel. You may have heard of him. :) He was in Cincinnati and since the power is out all over my area, we went down to see him. I saw him a month or so ago in Tennessee, but I think the sound system was much better this time.

He was fantastic!!!!! My grandson (10 yrs. old) and I got to shake his hand and he told us a funny story and initialed a couple of guitar picks I had in my pocket and a CD I purchased. He is a great person as well as, I think, the great guitarist.

One guy ran out to his car and bought in his guitar. Mr. Emmanuel signed it. That guitar doubled in value right there on the spot.

Sorry, I broke the conversion. I just thought I would mention it.
Forgive me?
# 7
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09/17/2008 8:15 pm
I live in a small town and for some reason I've been running into a lot of folks from down under??



Why I think not!
Guitar Tricks Moderator

"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it fasterā€ - Magicninja
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# 8
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09/17/2008 9:52 pm
Originally Posted by: looneytunesWow! I'm impressed. You sure are an important person! :)
Hey, went and saw a fellow Aussie friend Monday night, Tommy Emmanuel. You may have heard of him. :) He was in Cincinnati and since the power is out all over my area, we went down to see him. I saw him a month or so ago in Tennessee, but I think the sound system was much better this time.

He was fantastic!!!!! My grandson (10 yrs. old) and I got to shake his hand and he told us a funny story and initialed a couple of guitar picks I had in my pocket and a CD I purchased. He is a great person as well as, I think, the great guitarist.

One guy ran out to his car and bought in his guitar. Mr. Emmanuel signed it. That guitar doubled in value right there on the spot.

Sorry, I broke the conversion. I just thought I would mention it.
Forgive me?

Sounds pretty awesome, man! :) I have always had a special place in my guitarist heart for Tommy. I grew up on his music and even my first instructional video was by him (VHS back then.. hehe)...

I have been trying to find out when Eric Johnson, another one of my favourites is coming to Australia but he seems to mainly hang out in your neck of the woods.. have you been to see him before?
Guitar Tricks Moderator

Daily Light Blog
# 9
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09/18/2008 11:41 am
Originally Posted by: light487I have been trying to find out when Eric Johnson, another one of my favourites is coming to Australia but he seems to mainly hang out in your neck of the woods.. have you been to see him before?

No, I haven't. I'm sure he's around. I will have to check into it.
I can't stop listening to Tommy Emmanuel's CD. Man, if I could play half as well as him!

You know I almost got to Austrialia when I going on RR from Viet Nam during the war. At the last minute, I decided not to go and to go home earlier instead. Everything turned out alright, but I sometimes think I really missed out on a good opportunity. Are the girls really as beautiful as they say down under? :rolleyes:

Hey! Have you heard of a guy names Anthony Snapes from Austrialia. He opened for Tommy Emmanuel here. He is pretty good too.

Well, I better get to work. Take care my friend!
# 10
Telecastered Instructor
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Telecastered Instructor
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09/19/2008 7:46 am
Hey distancia,
Welcome to GT, and if you need any help let us know.

# 11
Disco Bandit
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Disco Bandit
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09/24/2008 11:47 pm
Originally Posted by: magicninjaI live in a small town and for some reason I've been running into a lot of folks from down under??



Why I think not!

oo rrrrrrrrly?
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]
# 12

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