Are the tutorials here any good?

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Joined: 08/21/08
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Registered User
Joined: 08/21/08
Posts: 10
09/05/2008 2:17 am
seriously though..How many people here have actually learned how to play the guitar over time by just using the lessons on this website?
I really want to know if its worth my money..well considering I paid a small amount, does that mean I am getting my moneys worth?

I have been good so far with the chords tutorials, but the rest are just a big blur leaving me confused as hell
So am I just slow or do I need to hang in there because its worth it or should I call it quits and find a real life teacher that'll charge me an arm and leg

# 1
Guitar Tricks Moderator
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
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09/05/2008 4:54 am
I've been here for quite some time, I've learned most of what I know from here. I like to think I'm a capable guitar player. I say it's worth it.
Guitar Tricks Moderator

"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 2
The Slasher
I rule.
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The Slasher
I rule.
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09/12/2008 6:16 am
Well, I'm on full access. I didn't exactly start out on this site but all the stuff on here is pretty useful, especially if you've got the basics down and want to branch out from there.

Most of the lessons are concise are well laid out, and there's LOTS of them, so I'd say this site is the best guitar learning resource I know... other than a real-life teacher.
# 3
Telecastered Instructor
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Telecastered Instructor
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09/19/2008 8:21 am
I have to agree, we do have a lot of useful techniques here, and you can learn at your own pace. I think we also have the most variety of styles, and genres.

As for being confused, maybe this will help. If you know the basic chords and stuff, the next thing I would suggest would be strum patterns and playing rhythm.

What would you like to learn, and maybe we can direct you to it with a link?

# 4

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