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Joined: 12/11/07
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Registered User
Joined: 12/11/07
Posts: 84
08/13/2008 6:34 pm
One again, I thank you in advance for indulging me.. I would love to hear any feedback on this one.. maybe wrong place wrong time.. I dunno..

I just finished this lil tune, Started it yesterday, worked pretty hard on it, for hours in a row and finished it a few minutes ago.

The Vocals, Horns, Guitar, Bass.. all recorded one time through, no punch's.

I was shooting for a late 40's vibe, I call her 'Post War Dream'.

Don't laugh too hard... I hope at least someone gets it.. I mean I hope it is familar, acceptable, yet out of the norm enough to perk up an ear for a second or two. It's about all I could ask for on this one.

Again, it's just lil ol me with some relativly primative tools..

Thanks for your ear.

Post War Dreaming
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