At the moment though I'm listening to alot of A Perfect Circle.
"What ye be listening to?" thread.

I pretty much live in one era, musically speaking. 90's!! My favourite bands are Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Stone temple pilots and Madseason.
At the moment though I'm listening to alot of A Perfect Circle.
At the moment though I'm listening to alot of A Perfect Circle.
# 1

What I'm playing right now? Tool. "Parabol/Parabola," actually.
I had been ferreting through 90s rock, having missed that scene mostly, but lately, I've been digging into the classic stuff -- Black Sabtath, Steppenwolf, Jimi Hendrix -- still looking through the oldies and stuff. Today, I bought a cd from Wal-Mart called "War Years: The Music" cause musically, I felt discouraged and burned out on the over-the-top sonic sounds (I've been playing for less than a year now) and just need to get back into touch with just the idea of music again. It's pretty nice to just walk off and find inspiration in other things.
I had been ferreting through 90s rock, having missed that scene mostly, but lately, I've been digging into the classic stuff -- Black Sabtath, Steppenwolf, Jimi Hendrix -- still looking through the oldies and stuff. Today, I bought a cd from Wal-Mart called "War Years: The Music" cause musically, I felt discouraged and burned out on the over-the-top sonic sounds (I've been playing for less than a year now) and just need to get back into touch with just the idea of music again. It's pretty nice to just walk off and find inspiration in other things.
# 2

Right now- Lamb of God-Wrath
Next- All That Remains-This Darkened Heart
Then- Dragonforce-Ultra Beatdown
Next- All That Remains-This Darkened Heart
Then- Dragonforce-Ultra Beatdown
# 3

# 5

For A Week I Have Been Listening To Led Zeps Presence Cd Achilles Last Stand Love The Slow Blues Tune Tea For One At 52 It Brings Back A Lot Of Great Times. Any Comments?
# 6

I' ve been getting into this band alot recently. Don' t know why I just love their sound.
# 7

Prof Satch (Non stop listening since 1986)
Jethro Tull
Thin Lizzy
The Who
Fall Out Boy
3 Doors Down
Green Day
Jethro Tull
Thin Lizzy
The Who
Fall Out Boy
3 Doors Down
Green Day
# 8

# 9

# 10

Christine Kane
Jose Gonzalez (especially his cover of Joy Division's Love Will Tear Us Apart (my favorite song of all time)
Lisa Loeb
The Smiths
But my tastes run the spectrum... those are just what's in my truck at the moment.
Christine Kane
Jose Gonzalez (especially his cover of Joy Division's Love Will Tear Us Apart (my favorite song of all time)
Lisa Loeb
The Smiths
But my tastes run the spectrum... those are just what's in my truck at the moment.
# 11

# 12

# 13
All over the world: The very best of ELO. Current song : Don't bring me down. :cool:
All over the world: The very best of ELO. Current song : Don't bring me down. :cool:
[U]Ricks Current Mystery Video[/U] - Updated Monday March/02/2015
# 14