Hi! I know this thread has been concluded, but instead of opening a new one, since my question is somewhat related, I hope it's ok adding it here. I posted thisd in a different forum category, but I'm posting it here, since this part of my question might get more answers here. Btw, amateur player here. :
In relation to my earlier "how to decently record playing the guitar" question -- being that my guitar isn't electric acoustic, but merely acoustic, someone gave me a piezo transducer for a xmas gift (actually I was thinking of getting a pickup, but never got around to it, but hey, I got one now) and i managed to get an old Hot Cabs guitar amp. So, I hooked em all up and the output was I guess so-so... ok-ish, bearable. Well, bearable tilting on the bad side.
My questions:
1. It sounded a bit "tinnish/cannish" even with the bass equalizer up (I don't know how to describe the sound, just not smooth definitely compared to the unplugged sound). I mean my guitar's just a basic guitar but if that's a 5/10 compared to pro guitars, the sound from the amp sounded 3.5/10. I don't know if that's an amp or transducer problem? Would it improve if I just got a pickup?
2. The other annoying thing with the transducer is it kept picking up all noises, from finger sliding to minimal creaks to the door slamming next room. From how I understand it, the pick-up doesn't do that right, it just picks up the sound from the strings-- correct?
3. Well, listening to it on a TDK headphones, it sounded slightly worse, like a hidden microphone inside someone's shirt pocket, carvernous and tinnish/shrill at the same time but I guess the headphones are the problem... any recommendations? I need one because I can't make too much noise when I practice but I'd like it loud for me (hence the amp). mid-priced suggestions pls.
4. Or is the abovementioned M-Audio USB audio interface applicable to my guitar? If yes can I practice with that set up with regular pc speakers?
Thanks for any help! Hope everyone's enjoying the holidays!