View post (What ever happened to the guitar solo???)

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Joined: 09/04/01
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Joined: 09/04/01
Posts: 65
01/04/2002 1:40 pm
Originally posted by nechako
you guys rock. I recant, there were some great 80's bands, my favorite sound for solos was Judas Priest, I never got into the look though, or lived in a trailer park. Its refreshing to see that there are musicians out there with taste and brain cells, that means you people.
My sound is mainly solos, my songs are not songs I refer to them as meditations 15, 30, 45 minutes long using drum machines/dance/techno/jazz/etc beats or even longer, however I focus on what I feel not what I think or think will sound cool-I play to entertain the universe and myself as well as anyone else who listens at my gigs. I guess trance guitar solos, sort of like heavy metal raves without the white trash.

Despite what other posts might have said(check the thread 'How to play jazz'...I love playing Devil's Advocate :-) ) There is no such thing as "right" or "wrong" You'd be surprised to see my CD collection, jazz,blues,Metal,Classical,Flamenco,Even Rap. Every style of music has it's merits and you can learn just as much from a Segovia Cd as you could from an NWA CD (Granted you'd be learning different things!).
If you can hold an audiences attention for a 45min song, you're doinf something right, keep it up.