View post (What ever happened to the guitar solo???)

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Joined: 09/04/01
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Registered User
Joined: 09/04/01
Posts: 65
12/26/2001 1:23 pm

record companies are terified of change. thats why they all churn out identical manufactured bands. what the world needs is for somone to show them real rock music, not looped break beats and rap!

Nothing changes. The Popular music industry is forever changed by Artists like Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Fleetwood Mac, and Mostly Peter Frampton. Since they sold millions of albums in the 70s, things changed overnight. Milli-Vanilli epitomized the "cookie-cutter" mentality of the industry perfectly, i.e. Just "look" the part and we'll take care of the rest. There were some hair bands that didn't even play on their records! Sure they were musicians and could play live, but not in the studio. The 70's were an exciting time because so many different voices were heard (musically) bands like Steely Dan, Zeppelin, Yes, Journey, Lynyrd Skynyrd. All played on the same radio station and each band had a completely different sound. I doubt we will ever see another Yes, because audiences are used to the 4 minute cookie cutter song. The closest thing to Yes that had any sort of success was Dream Theater.