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Joined: 05/19/08
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Registered User
Joined: 05/19/08
Posts: 12
05/21/2008 8:37 pm
I was born in late '89. I love Motley Crue, Sabbath, Maiden, Megadeth, Anthrax, Quiet Riot (RIP Dubrow), Metallica, etc. etc. etc.

How could you call Megadeth not metal? Wake up Dead and Peace Sells are metal ANTHEMS. If anything a very, very large majority of today's metal all sound the same. I tried Lamb of God once, I couldn't tell when one song started and when the last ended. It's one thing to have a sound unique to a band, it's a whole other deal when all of your songs are about the same thing *coughdragonforcecough*

Anthrax, Metallica, Megadeth, and Iron Maiden were the pioneers of the heavy metal genre. You can't top that.