i'm trying to get a few chops down in the funk dept, but i'm doing a pretty pathetic job when it comes to dead notes
i'm trying to get this lesson ( http://guitartricks.com/lesson.php?input=8935 ) done but i keep having trouble with my picking. i know practice will give me better feel and get me through this, but would an instructor be kind enough to make a video for it with a closeup of the picking hand?
i'm playing the low E5 with my forefinger and then lightly barre all the strings to keep them dead when i pick, i start all dead notes with a downpick/downstroke. i usually play deadnotes on only one string, because it sounds that way in the audio sample... is that wrong? (because in the notation, dead notes are on the high E and B in the first couple phrases)
i try to keep my picking hand as loose as possible (which is a bit of a bitch really, but it's getting there)
any tips or advice? am i doing anything wrong?
ps: i tend to anchor my arm on the upper right corner of my guitar. is that a no-no?