I read what you posted and I know the situation you are in. Well, If you want to be in a band you will have to get new gear such as... every thing. I'm sorry if I am being rude but please consider it honesty.
Anyway, If you don't plan on being in a band your gear should be sufficient. All of your influences that you mentioned have unique tones. Your gear needs to be "dialed in" as they say. Somehow I can't believe your amp does not have an E.Q. section on the control panel. You know, Bass, Midrange, and Treble. Well, If your amp doesn't have that... get one that does.
Once you dialed in your amp's E.Q., The next thing is knowing the pick up selector on your guitar. A guitar w/ one pick up doesn't have a selector. Two pick up in your guitar means your selector switch is a three way switch. If you have three pick ups in your guitar, then you have a five way switch. Play with the switch to find out which way turns on which pick up.
As a rule of thumb, the P.U. by the neck (the neck pick up)
is more bassy than the P.U. by the bridge(the bridge pick up). The bridge pick up is used for solos and twang in your tone. The neck pick up is more of a rhythm tone. If you have a third P.U. in between these two that I mentioned , don't worry about it. The middle pick up is kind of pointless in my eyes. But, to each his own.
Industry standards for Rock are (but not limited to)two guitars. The Fender Stratocaster which has three P.U.s and the Gibson Les Paul which has two P.U.s . I know that David Gilmour uses a Fender "Strat".He uses the neck pick up a lot for his clean tone and then switches to the bridge P.U. for leads. Strats are known to have a more brilliant sound. The Jimmy Page sound is definitely a Gibson Les Paul model guitar. It has two pick ups. The Les Paul is a very good guitar. And, you will pay alot to get one. It's characterized by a meaty, fat sound.
You know I seem to be rambling on now so if you want to know more about what gear a certain artist has go to www.guitargeek.com . I like radiohead a lot and couldn't figure out how he got this sound so I went to this site typed in Johnny Greenwood and found out he was using a "Whammy" pedal. I could probably help you further so if your interested just reply to me.
- guitarist for Twin Dynamo,
Szabolcs Szafko
P.S.: Check out www.twindynamo.com