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Joined: 07/14/07
Posts: 849
Forum Administrator
Joined: 07/14/07
Posts: 849
03/04/2008 7:02 pm
Heya :)

Welcome to GT! :)

I am 32 and been playing for a little over 16 years. Before that I used to fiddle around with various musical instruments from as early as 5 years old.. like my parents upright piano etc. Recently, I re-evaluated who my influences were.. when I was asked the question, "Who are you influences?" in the past I always told people who my favourite bands were, and who I wanted to play "like". Names such as Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrx, AC/DC, Joe Satriani, Guns'n'Roses etc would be given but now I realise that these are not actually my influences.. these are just my favourite bands.

My main influences are really people like Neil Diamond, Lionel Ritchie, Louis Armstrong, John Barry (composer of early James Bond film scores, ), The Beatles, David Bowie, Queen etc.. A wide variety of people.. but notice that none of them are actually guitarists.. weird huh? Anyway.. yeh.. That's me at the moment.. :)
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