Slipknot Guitar playing styles help

Aspiring Guitarist
Joined: 12/13/07
Posts: 19
Aspiring Guitarist
Joined: 12/13/07
Posts: 19
03/28/2008 2:58 pm
Hey guys,

Thanks for the comments, and sorry for the late reply!

I have been practicing the techniques you guys have kindly suggested and feel that it is helping no end :)

Left hand mutting feels a bit of a alien technique at first but its actually becoming a little easier with practice.

I have also tried the fatter picks to see how they are (purple ~3mm ones that you mentioned) They do feel quite different. The juries out on these, but will persevere. (think lack of technique on my part)

Since my last post I messed up the floating bridge setup when trying to adjust the action due to annoying fret buzz on the 6th string 1-3 frets.

Since I have ballsed this up, I am getting a guitar tech to set it up properly this evening with 46-10 gauge strings for a fatter sound and hopefully a reduction of the fuzz. I'm aware that the fatter strings would compound the fret buzz but hopefully with the correct adjustment by the tech I should be ok.
As eager as the Duracell Bunny.... Only not as fluffy
Current Kit:
Ibanez RG350MDX (Super Slinky 9's & stock PU's)
Line 6 Spider III 15w

Styles: Metal, Punk, Rock, Grunge
# 1
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03/28/2008 3:36 pm
Re the plectrum issue, that one is very much a personal thing. I pretty much exclusively use hard Dunlop .8mm. They are pretty slim but I find I can play much faster and more accurately with them. Whatever feels comfortable!
# 2
Aspiring Guitarist
Joined: 12/13/07
Posts: 19
Aspiring Guitarist
Joined: 12/13/07
Posts: 19
03/28/2008 11:54 pm
Well the Guitar tech left about an hour ago after 2 hours of setting up.

The guitar is now setup like a treat. The sustain compared to previously is far fuller as is the general sound. Great improvement.

The action has been set just right. low, but no buzz. :)
As eager as the Duracell Bunny.... Only not as fluffy
Current Kit:
Ibanez RG350MDX (Super Slinky 9's & stock PU's)
Line 6 Spider III 15w

Styles: Metal, Punk, Rock, Grunge
# 3

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