getting drum tracks

I want to get some drum tracks for my song, I was wondering if anybody had some packs or some sites, thx.
# 1

do you have a drumming programme like Battery or EZdrummer? i take it you dont so in that case get EZdrummer. it sounds wicked and has HUndreds of built in drum tracks of every variety that you can just drop into the midi tracks of choise! have fun. get back to me if you have anymore questions
# 2
Another choice is royalty free drum loops done by a real drummer.
I usually use a combination of those, plus battery and a real set to add hihats and toms. A lot of drum loops also come with decent music loops as well so they're great for getting ideas started or just dropping them into a pre-written song to add some flavor.
Be careful who's you buy though. I bought a couple off eBay that were done by really amateur drum players and couldn't use them.
If you can afford it too, you can send your song to an online musician and have them lay down a drum loop for you.
I usually use a combination of those, plus battery and a real set to add hihats and toms. A lot of drum loops also come with decent music loops as well so they're great for getting ideas started or just dropping them into a pre-written song to add some flavor.
Be careful who's you buy though. I bought a couple off eBay that were done by really amateur drum players and couldn't use them.
If you can afford it too, you can send your song to an online musician and have them lay down a drum loop for you.
# 3

# 4

no offence but that sounds like allot of stress just for a drum track. the ezdrummer think comes with a huminizer and all the sounds are samples from professional drum kits. sounds super realistic! no body i have shown that to could have guessed they where midi drums for a second.
and no man theres no link for a trial. its called torrents!
and no man theres no link for a trial. its called torrents!
# 5
Originally Posted by: cocamycola89no offence but that sounds like allot of stress just for a drum track. the ezdrummer think comes with a huminizer and all the sounds are samples from professional drum kits. sounds super realistic! no body i have shown that to could have guessed they where midi drums for a second.
and no man theres no link for a trial. its called torrents!
Yeah, I guess it kinda depends on how intricate you want your drum tracks to be. I usually start off with a drum machine for the demo, but by the time I'm finished I'll have spent weeks adding little subtle things to make the drums more interesting.
Kinda like this...I start off with an LM4 Drum Machine, then add live hats, then put the hats through a processor, then just start combining loops and stuff.
When the songs finished, I've got drum rolls, live hats, live rides, drum machines and about 5 loops running at once.
By the time I'm finished there's usually about 20 tracks just for drums.
# 6

A friend just told me about this site:
From their site:
This page contains free guitar backing tracks (BTs) for popular songs as well as jam tracks. The backing tracks can be played in flash format onsite or downloaded in MP3 format.
From their site:
This page contains free guitar backing tracks (BTs) for popular songs as well as jam tracks. The backing tracks can be played in flash format onsite or downloaded in MP3 format.
# 7
Originally Posted by: cocamycola89its called torrents!
Isn't that the illegal practice of sharing software which has been cracked?
Check out my band:
Havoc Din
Havoc Din
# 8
Originally Posted by: HDJIsn't that the illegal practice of sharing software which has been cracked?
Yeah, I think that's what he's referring to.
Definitely not recommended. Especially if you use drum loops or samples. Most companies these days, make you sign a contract stating that the samples and sounds used in your recordings are royalty free.
They also employ musicologists to verify that you aren't violating any copyrights so you have to prove you actually paid for the loops and samples you used.
If you can't provide proof of payment, they won't accept your music. Plus it'll get around to other companies that you pirate your music and you get flagged as a risk.
I lost a $30,000 contract once cause I used a factory sample from Halion of a guy screaming one word, and couldn't find a copy of my receipt fast enough to prove I'd paid for the royalties. It took me 2 days to find it and by the time I'd faxed it to the advertising company, they'd already given the contract to somebody else. (which made for a majorly sucky day)
Now I keep detailed records to prove I've paid for everything.
# 9

fair play. but it still sounds like alot of stress if your going through weeks just for a drum track. isnt your focus guitar? i am just pointing out how simple it is to have a great sounding drum track for dudes like me that dont know the first thing about drums. (i never use to atleast) now ive wised up and the drum track can be made rite from the computer! i dont have to pick up a key board or a drum machine. im just using EZdrummer as a VSTinstrument and then using cubase i can arrange it in any way i please chosing or makeing EQ's and from a choise of several different kits.
i think there is only one way to solve this debate..
i will compose a track with ezdrummer as the drumtrack and u compose a song using your method. and we can have a listen to eachoters work and make a fair assment as to whos method works best.
Up for the challange?
i think there is only one way to solve this debate..
i will compose a track with ezdrummer as the drumtrack and u compose a song using your method. and we can have a listen to eachoters work and make a fair assment as to whos method works best.
Up for the challange?
# 10
Originally Posted by: cocamycola89fair play. but it still sounds like alot of stress if your going through weeks just for a drum track. isnt your focus guitar? i am just pointing out how simple it is to have a great sounding drum track for dudes like me that dont know the first thing about drums. (i never use to atleast) now ive wised up and the drum track can be made rite from the computer! i dont have to pick up a key board or a drum machine. im just using EZdrummer as a VSTinstrument and then using cubase i can arrange it in any way i please chosing or makeing EQ's and from a choise of several different kits.
i think there is only one way to solve this debate..
i will compose a track with ezdrummer as the drumtrack and u compose a song using your method. and we can have a listen to eachoters work and make a fair assment as to whos method works best.
Up for the challange?
hmm.. I don't think any one instrument is my main focus but in a sense the guitar is, cause I use a guitar synth to record all the instruments but the drums.
So, I end up spending a lot of time searching hard drives and loops, using ReCycle to chop them up for tempo changes then adding my own midi and real kit percussion on top of it.
I'm up for the challenge but don't have any spare time to do one specifically for the forum right now.
I've already recorded a coupla hundred songs & can just post a bunch if ya want.
# 11

Not interested in a shoot out myself, but here are two tracks I did with two different packages that turned out pretty well. DFHS is by far the better package but it requires unlimited tweakage. EZdrummer you can just start straight away.
Track 1:
Using Drum Kit From Hell Superior (DFHS): the drums samples are totally raw so this is them mixed from scratch (it's an old track so the guitar playing is a bit rough in places!) - craziest drums are towards the end. Lots of EQ, dynamics and compression added plus spatial placement within the stereo field. Sounds pretty nice IMO.
Track 2:
Using EZdrummer
No EQ tweaks to drums just a tad of dynamics, straight from the software. Sounds ok but still lacks a smidgen of power.
Track 3:
Using EZdrummer - no post mixing done (however I used the DFH add on and tweaked the stock settings in the EZD mixer), straight out of the box with a little compression and a bit of headroom added through Steinberg's Magneto
Sound very clear but lacking a little bit of bottom end.
The soon to be realeased version of DFHS2 will seriously kick ass - it has all of the ease of use of EZD and the total flexibility of DFHS with the added additions of effects (compressors, reverbs, EQ's etc), unlimited mixing of each drum, and the ability to refill using any sound you want to make custom kits from any sound you want.
The only problem with EZdrummer is that the drums are all effected - reverb/ambience and the kit is set up in a very specific way - you can't easily move things around the stereo field. DFH sounds are totally dry, exactly as per the drum being struck in a very small dry drum room - so you can make the kit sound as small and tight or as large and spacey as you want.
Track 1:
Using Drum Kit From Hell Superior (DFHS): the drums samples are totally raw so this is them mixed from scratch (it's an old track so the guitar playing is a bit rough in places!) - craziest drums are towards the end. Lots of EQ, dynamics and compression added plus spatial placement within the stereo field. Sounds pretty nice IMO.
Track 2:
Using EZdrummer
No EQ tweaks to drums just a tad of dynamics, straight from the software. Sounds ok but still lacks a smidgen of power.
Track 3:
Using EZdrummer - no post mixing done (however I used the DFH add on and tweaked the stock settings in the EZD mixer), straight out of the box with a little compression and a bit of headroom added through Steinberg's Magneto
Sound very clear but lacking a little bit of bottom end.
The soon to be realeased version of DFHS2 will seriously kick ass - it has all of the ease of use of EZD and the total flexibility of DFHS with the added additions of effects (compressors, reverbs, EQ's etc), unlimited mixing of each drum, and the ability to refill using any sound you want to make custom kits from any sound you want.
The only problem with EZdrummer is that the drums are all effected - reverb/ambience and the kit is set up in a very specific way - you can't easily move things around the stereo field. DFH sounds are totally dry, exactly as per the drum being struck in a very small dry drum room - so you can make the kit sound as small and tight or as large and spacey as you want.
# 12