choppers gigs in china

hey all,first the name... i look like famous oz criminal chopper read,so all the aussies here named me, im a ex pro drummer [international touring for many years] who always played the axe and sang. so i got to china[im teaching english]and my friend gives me a gig singing and playing solo in his cool bar in zhuhai,china. next thing i know,im chopper the guitarist/singer with 3-4 gigs a week, earning good money and having fans ,appearing on t.v.,and buying good quality equipment. [ my electric guitar is called 'fei-fei' ,and my acoustic is called 'francesca'. all the punters[thats oz for patrons ]know the names of my axes ,and say hello to them as they waddle past. ok, so im not so good at guitar ,but ive got great rhythm, and could always sing in tune. all that work harmonizing vocals behind a trap kit for years , with no tonal assistance from my instrument ,means i can sing without getting precious about foldback etc. my girlfriend [ya wen ] is managing me now and i have gigs lined up here and in macau[ big ,big, gigs,for real money] also working on a recording for hong kong market. i am now learning songs in chinese [both putonghua and cantonese.] so id like to hear from anyone doing what i am in china,or anyone as intrigued by this situation as i am. so ,its 'zai jian' from china .welcome to jam with me when you get here.
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thanks for the reply mate. after so many years in the biz i never think ive 'made 'it , but i have a great thing going here in china. as you can imagine the music from home [ many countries are' home' here,] is important to people so i try real hard to do the music honestly, and with real heart.sometimes people even cry if i do a song they love. its a special thing ,and i try my best every gig. tonight im playing at the 'hugo western restaurant' ,near macau for valentines day,then back to ryans bar to play for a wedding party. all my romantic stuff will be dragged out tonight,but i dont mind as im a bit of a [rockin] romantic myself. im just back from vietnam,where i took ,'francesca' [ my acoustic] and played all over the country,including on the sleeper train from saigon to hanoi.friday and saturday im at ryans for the rockin party nights and on sunday im in hong kong ,playing with my friend arthur at the 'old china hand pub'. thanks again,best wishes. chopper/ronnie
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