Pickup advice

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01/07/2008 4:41 am

I am new to the guitar world and was hoping for some pearls of wisdom regarding my guitar purchase.

I just bought a PRS Tremonti SE and wanted to know what would be a quality set off pickups to buy for it. Any and all comments are welcome.

# 1
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01/07/2008 8:18 am
Keep the existing pick-ups.. the PRS pick-ups are generally of mid to mid-high quality anyway. Until you know EXACTLY what sound you are looking for, I wouldn't spend any money upgrading the guitar. From what I know of that particular model, it's as close as you are going to get to the signature series model without spending thousands.

May be you could find out what pick-ups are in the signature series guitar and get those instead.. but to be honest.. if this is your first proper guitar purchase and you haven't been playing that long or similar, I would leave the pick-ups for now. It's tempting to get the best you can afford.. but until you know EXACTLY what you want, it's a minefield.

Is there something about the current pick-ups that you don't like? Let us know what they're not doing, and what you would like them to be doing and then may be we can suggest something.
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# 2
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01/07/2008 9:27 pm
I agree with light 487, i recently purchased a set of second hand pick-ups out of a PRS SE singlecut to fit into a cheap Les Paul copy of mine and they're very good.
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# 3
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01/08/2008 1:25 am
Thank you both for the advice - greatly appreciated.
# 4

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