When Did You Start Playing?

# 1
# 2

When I was 16 I think - bought a Jackson Charvel with a busted Floyd Rose trem and warped neck - great for starting on!
# 3

I started around age 13. Went back and forth over the years, but never for any length of time. I am now 58.
# 4
I started playing classical when I was 8.... then electirc when I was 14...
Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]https://www.renhimself.com
# 5

# 6

First picked up my dads acoustic at 5 yrs, (picked it up left handed :p)
But really only started playing at about 8-9 yrs old...
But really only started playing at about 8-9 yrs old...
# 7

I started piano when I was 6. But didn't take guitar seriously until I was 18 - when it was the only thing to play in my dorm room. Now I wish I had been even more serious and learned more than just rhythm... all in time, I suppose.
# 8

I started acoustic on June 15 2006 then one year later, my dad bought me an Epiphone SG on June 15 2007.
(I marked the days on the calendar!) ;)
(I marked the days on the calendar!) ;)
[FONT=Fixedsys]A tout le monde, A tout mes amis, Je vous aime, Je dois partir. These are the last words I'll ever speak, and they'll set me free![/FONT] ;)
# 9

About three and a half years.
It's kinda depressing now that I think about it because for some reason I thought it was longer than that. I was about twelve at the time I picked up a guitar.
It's kinda depressing now that I think about it because for some reason I thought it was longer than that. I was about twelve at the time I picked up a guitar.
# 10
I was 45 when I first picked up a guitar!
I win! :D
I win! :D
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 11

# 12
I started playing...when I got a guitar. :p
Ok, but it was when I was 13 (1992). Like most, I started on acoustic for about a year, then got an electric.
Ok, but it was when I was 13 (1992). Like most, I started on acoustic for about a year, then got an electric.
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]"Bust a nut!" - Dimebag
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein[/FONT]
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein[/FONT]
# 13

My dad gave me his guitar the day I was born (1970-something Yamaha FG-160).
I used to **** around on it occasionally (I taught myself how to hold it and hit the strings and such when I was a toddler... nothing else) until a while ago when I first heard Frances the Mute by The Mars Volta >_>
I picked up guitar within the week :D
I never really liked music before then, but the second Omar started the main riff... I completely changed my mind (who knows what I would be doing now if I never gave TMV a listen).
I used to **** around on it occasionally (I taught myself how to hold it and hit the strings and such when I was a toddler... nothing else) until a while ago when I first heard Frances the Mute by The Mars Volta >_>
I picked up guitar within the week :D
I never really liked music before then, but the second Omar started the main riff... I completely changed my mind (who knows what I would be doing now if I never gave TMV a listen).
# 14
I started about 2 years ago... But never really got serious until about a year ago, when I got an Ibanez artwood acoustic for x-mas.
Ibanez Rg 4 life... Word XD
# 15

My son and I starded on Monday this week he is 9 years old and I`m 41 year and we both like Rock
Great site
Great site
# 16
Originally Posted by: kabokeMy son and I starded on Monday this week he is 9 years old and I`m 41 year and we both like Rock
Great site
That's pretty cool! Nice father and son activity. Welcome aboard to GT. Great site with lots of great information, lessons and people. Look forward to seeing you around the boards! :)
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 17

i started playing when i was about 11. my friend got a harmoney form sears and was taking lessons. he taught me how to play polly smells like teen spirt and sweet dreams. then he got a bass and said he wanted to start a band so i tried bass. another friend let me borrow his drum set when i was 12 but i never got good at it. when i was 13 my parents got divorced and my dad tried to bribe me to live with him. he asked me what i wanted for my birthday and i said "i Wanna Rock" (just kidding) he bought me a crown classical for $65 at the local pawnshop (not a very good guitar and i still have it but the tiop came all the way unglued and is only being held on by the fret board.) thats when i really got serious about playing and i carried that guitar every where till i got put on the ankle bracelet (they do sometimes care about that curfew thing) then my grandpa gave me a 60 something coral hornet and i used my stero as an amp till i got locked up (when i was 14 and just so every one knows smoking weed on probation is never a good idea). and the rest is pretty much history till now. about 4 years ago now my best friend started smoking meth and lost his mind (thats when i quit practicing everyday cause my friend was a very good guitar player/singer). and now i am here.
They say the END is near, but I'm Tired of waiting.
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hmm... 3 years and 3 months... and i'm 15 you do the math :P
Fender Cd - 220SCE Bubinga Nat, Epiphone Lp-100, and an amazing Line 6 Pod xt Live.
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