What guitar should I get?

I have the gibson les paul special model, a really beginners style guitar. But now I'm learning lead and need something like an ibanez or the fender squier (or something with a wammy bar). Which one should I get?
# 1

Originally Posted by: fireblazerI have the gibson les paul special model, a really beginners style guitar. But now I'm learning lead and need something like an ibanez or the fender squier (or something with a wammy bar). Which one should I get?
What is your playing style? I would hate to suggest and Ibanez if what you need is a tele for your genre.
Are you looking for playability, ease of use, tonal flexiblity?
What kind of budget are you looking at?
If you can afford it, get a mexican Fender strat. Cost effective, good tone, good playability and covered under fender warranty if there is anything wrong with it.
By the way, a guitar is only as good as the amp its played through. You need to look at that also. I can take a crappy guitar and make it sound good though a quality amp. I cannot however make a quality guitar sound good though a crappy amp.
# 2

Your first guitar will go a long way towards dictating all future purchases and playing styles. Eg. if you go with a Fender/Gibson you will get used to the thicker necks and 21/22 frets with no whammy bar. Nothing wrong with those guitars, I've owned a Gibson LP Goldtop and played a Fender Strat in a metal band back in the 90's. My first guitar was a Jackson Charvel so my preference has always been slim, fast 24 fret necks with floating trem systems - now I favour Ibanez but also like Dean, Ernie Ball Music Man, Jackson and ESP.
If you like metal and/or fast playing I recommend a good second hand Ibanez RG series. Excellent guitars and they are very flexible, at the end of the day you can play whatever you want on them - blues, country, shred, punk - the 'tone' comes from the pickups at the end of the day. My advice is to stay away from the crazy shapes (Flying V, Warlock, Iron Bird, Explorer etc) for you first axe - those guitars are more suited to experienced players for live situations (because they look cool) - too hard to play sitting down though, especially if you are just starting out.
How much you thinking of spending?
If you like metal and/or fast playing I recommend a good second hand Ibanez RG series. Excellent guitars and they are very flexible, at the end of the day you can play whatever you want on them - blues, country, shred, punk - the 'tone' comes from the pickups at the end of the day. My advice is to stay away from the crazy shapes (Flying V, Warlock, Iron Bird, Explorer etc) for you first axe - those guitars are more suited to experienced players for live situations (because they look cool) - too hard to play sitting down though, especially if you are just starting out.
How much you thinking of spending?
# 3

Originally Posted by: SuperhumanMy advice is to stay away from the crazy shapes (Flying V, Warlock, Iron Bird, Explorer etc) for you first axe - those guitars are more suited to experienced players for live situations (because they look cool) - too hard to play sitting down though, especially if you are just starting out.
Actually, Jackson Rhodes style V's are shaped ergonomically and is probably the friendliest 'sit down' guitar I have ever played. I highly recommend the JS30RR Rhoadsā¢ for any beginner because of this (its one of the ones I point to my guitar students, that and the Japanese made Ibanez RG110 and RG120's with the super 70 pickups). A very 'edgy' toned guitar to be sure, not known for their warmth with the stock jackson pickups.
# 4

Im more of a metal, hard rock, kind of guy. I like slimmer necks, and my friend had this really cool ibanez with a wammy bar, and It was extremely easy to play. Thats why I'm suggesting ibanez.
edit: I'm also learning lead, I like lead a lot. I have a band and I'm trying to become better because I'm the lead guitarist.
edit: I'm also learning lead, I like lead a lot. I have a band and I'm trying to become better because I'm the lead guitarist.
# 5

Originally Posted by: fireblazer
edit: I'm also learning lead, I like lead a lot. I have a band and I'm trying to become better because I'm the lead guitarist.
Are you taking lessons? If your not, I would highly recommend that you do. Your learning curve is much higher with a competent teacher. They can also teach you the nuances of your instrument that you cant learn off the internet.
# 6

Im trying to get lessons. I need to save up :/, but Im mostly likely getting lessons next week.
# 7

personally for a guitar to shred on, I prefer the parker fly. my uncle has one and whenever we jam, he likes to play his semi-hallow epiphone, so I get to play the fly. it has amazing tone, and the tremolo is by far the best I've every played
if you're on a little more of a budget, I would recommend an ibanez.
and I would have to agree with superhuman about not getting a different shaped guitar if you're just starting out. my first guitar was an x-shaped carvin, and I still play a little weird because of how it sits. now days I only play it when I'm out because of the compliments I get on it.
if you're on a little more of a budget, I would recommend an ibanez.
and I would have to agree with superhuman about not getting a different shaped guitar if you're just starting out. my first guitar was an x-shaped carvin, and I still play a little weird because of how it sits. now days I only play it when I'm out because of the compliments I get on it.
# 8

Originally Posted by: fireblazerI have the gibson les paul special model, a really beginners style guitar. But now I'm learning lead and need something like an ibanez or the fender squier (or something with a wammy bar). Which one should I get?
I personally like Fender Strats.
# 9

Ive been playing on a no-name brand accoustic that i bought from target (lol) for about 3 months now and ive really found a passion for playing. I'd really like to upgrade to an electric but i have absolutely no idea of what to get.
I havent found my playing style yet but I really like the body of the Gibson LP and guitars with 20+ frets. Any ideas for a beginner electric for $200-300? I'd also want just a small traveling amp to start out with.
I havent found my playing style yet but I really like the body of the Gibson LP and guitars with 20+ frets. Any ideas for a beginner electric for $200-300? I'd also want just a small traveling amp to start out with.
# 10

Originally Posted by: semitone24Ive been playing on a no-name brand accoustic that i bought from target (lol) for about 3 months now and ive really found a passion for playing. I'd really like to upgrade to an electric but i have absolutely no idea of what to get.
I havent found my playing style yet but I really like the body of the Gibson LP and guitars with 20+ frets. Any ideas for a beginner electric for $200-300? I'd also want just a small traveling amp to start out with.
You might just want to post another thread for this question.. Um, you have a pretty cheap budget. Do you mean you need an amp and a guitar for under 300? if you mean just the guitar get the Epiphone SG standard. It's really nice, but it'll cost you a little over the 300 mark. Save up for it. it'll be well worth the wait. Just stick with it. I will maybe reccomend the Vox micro 5 watt amp. It's battery powered and sounds great. Around 150 usd
# 11

Originally Posted by: fireblazerI have the gibson les paul special model, a really beginners style guitar. But now I'm learning lead and need something like an ibanez or the fender squier (or something with a wammy bar). Which one should I get?
Umm, are you sure that's not an Epiphone, because Gibsons are not for beginners. Once again, we need your price range. I would reccomend one of the cheaper Ibanez RG's. You can go back later and change the pickups for EMG's or Dimarzio Evolutions or something like that. Ibanez makes a great metal guitar. The RG's usually have the floating tremolo (whammy bar, as some like to call it) on there. Kind of a pain in my opinion (I have one) But I love the sound of the instrument. The double locking bridge just gets on my nerves. And btw, if you are kind of a beginner, I wouldn't really go for the double locking bridge just yet, maybe get a Fender mexican strat.
# 12

Originally Posted by: semitone24Ive been playing on a no-name brand accoustic that i bought from target (lol) for about 3 months now and ive really found a passion for playing. I'd really like to upgrade to an electric but i have absolutely no idea of what to get.
I havent found my playing style yet but I really like the body of the Gibson LP and guitars with 20+ frets. Any ideas for a beginner electric for $200-300? I'd also want just a small traveling amp to start out with.
Epiphone (made by the same people as Gibson, the only difference is it's not hand made and it's made overseas) Les Paul, under $300
It's a refurbished, but that usually just means a few minor, hardly noticeable scratches here and there.
Another option is to go around to pawn shops. That's how I got my acoustic. I was all ready to drop $800 on it. Next day I went to a pawn shop and found it for $350 with a hard case.
That's also how I got my amp. It's a 60 watt Crate, excellent condition, paid $125.
It's not a guarantee that you'll find something, but it never hurts to look.
# 13