Ok... I did this with a Roland Guitar Synth running through a Mac G3 computer using Cubase and Sampletank.
Basically...I played it just once to input the midi notes and then used that to export a dozen orchestral instruments. Then I added a bit of vocal overdubs.
It's all done on guitar (except for the vocals)
...needs more dynamics but it's the best I can do with fake violins
One of these days I'll hire an orchestra to do it :)
Best bet is turn it real loud or use headphones!
# 1

Hey Kevin. I get an error message when I try to go to your link. Not sure if its my computer or not but you might want to check it out just in case. Let me know if you could so I can take a listen. Thanks!
# 2

Wow Kevin, that was simply amazing. You said you did all that on guitar? HOW? That sounded like it came straight out of a movie soundtrack.
# 4
Yep, it's all guitar done through SampleTank. The only other thing in there is a little vocal harmony at the end.
# 5
Cool...I have this here at home (bought Phase IV Chronicles awhile back), but didn't realize it was guitar synth. "Bye, Bye" is still my overall fav though.
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]"Bust a nut!" - Dimebag
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein[/FONT]
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein[/FONT]
# 6
heh... weird. That's usually the song I avoid posting cause I think nobody will like it. Must be that creepy feeling you get from listening to your own voice :)
# 7