Btw, I want to bind the fretboard and the body.

I have been looking into a gibson LP studio. The one thing that I can't stand about it is that there is no binding around it. Do you know if it is possible to have binding installed on a guitar? (if so, how much will this cost me?)
Btw, I want to bind the fretboard and the body.
Btw, I want to bind the fretboard and the body.
# 1

you could probable get it installed. it will cost you though and will also lower the value of the guitar. if you have a router a fret puller and reseter and the materials needed for refinishing you could even do it your self. but i hope you have some skill in luthier for that one.
They say the END is near, but I'm Tired of waiting.
# 2

Haha. Binding is one of the main differences between Gibson LP studios and standards. I suggest you get a standard if you want binding. Also stds generally come equip with bustbucker pickups while studios use 490s. You can generally check what pickup is installed by the mounting screws. Bustbuckers are a little brighter and honkier than the thick 490s imo. The mounting screws beside the pickups will be flathead if they are burstbuckers and philly if they're 490s I believe. Gibson also makes a bunch of other pickups so you may want to check to be sure you're not playing on something special.
# 3

Okay, I wouldn't be saving for a studio in the first place if I could afford a standard...... I was just wondering if I could do it later on. And I already know what specs each one have.
Btw, what does imo mean?
Btw, what does imo mean?
# 4