Trying to tackle "Little Wing"

Alright..... My guitar teacher wants me to play Little Wing..... I don't really know where to start in a way.. It being a very hard song to cover, do you have any tips on how to play it well in a short amount of time?
# 1

i dont know much but anytime ive tried to play something hard i always try to break it down as much as possible.
for instance go from break to break or even note to note if you have to but if to take it slow and can mach phrases on the notation to the song you get it right sooner or later.
for instance go from break to break or even note to note if you have to but if to take it slow and can mach phrases on the notation to the song you get it right sooner or later.
They say the END is near, but I'm Tired of waiting.
# 2

Isn't it your teachers job to help you learn Little Wing?! Start slowly, there's nothing in the first section that is too tricky, just don't try and run before you can walk. If there is a part that is causing you trouble ask your teacher to help you with it.
# 3
uhm.. yeh.. what's the point of a teacher that doesn't "teach" you..?
# 4

He does.... I just want a good way to practice so that I can learn it faster. If I have trouble with it, I have to wait a week. It's not really all that technical, it's just hard to make it sound good...
# 5

E min , G maj , A min7th , E min (HARMONICS ON TWETH FRET) , (B min , Bb min 7 , A min7) , C maj , G maj , F maj , C maj , D maj , (w/ a B minor inversion) based outta D major...
it REEAALLLY helps to learn your relative keys w/this song cuz the inversions are the trick to learning it... ;)
the first E minor chord is played by barring the twelth fret D string ACROSS AND thru to the high E so G and B ARE BARRED AS WELL... after doing so mute the strings w/ a chi - ckah then move to the fith position of A MINOR AND USE THE PENTATONIC DOUBLE STOPS W/IN THE A min 7TH CHORD ;)
THEN BACK TO E minor w/ Gmajor and G suspended inversions w/in this second E minor... from here i'm afraid I'd honestly I need tab to describe this piece...
if somebody could tell me how to use tablature I could tab out the entire piece for ya bro... happy to do it... :D
computer illiterate
Franky M.
it REEAALLLY helps to learn your relative keys w/this song cuz the inversions are the trick to learning it... ;)
the first E minor chord is played by barring the twelth fret D string ACROSS AND thru to the high E so G and B ARE BARRED AS WELL... after doing so mute the strings w/ a chi - ckah then move to the fith position of A MINOR AND USE THE PENTATONIC DOUBLE STOPS W/IN THE A min 7TH CHORD ;)
THEN BACK TO E minor w/ Gmajor and G suspended inversions w/in this second E minor... from here i'm afraid I'd honestly I need tab to describe this piece...
if somebody could tell me how to use tablature I could tab out the entire piece for ya bro... happy to do it... :D
computer illiterate
Franky M.
# 6

Thanks man. I'm not really sure how to teach you how to read tab though.
-------------0-0-0-0-0--------- High E string
--------------------------------This would mean to pluck your high E 5 times
-------------------------------- Low E string
. The numbers represent the fret. If numbers are on top of each other
then it means to play them as a chord (at the same time). the tab that you look at usually has a key to show you what the extra symbols mean (slides, HOs and POs etc.) That is just a basic thing to help you understand. Thanks for the help, and don't worry if you can't figure out how to tab it.
-------------0-0-0-0-0--------- High E string
--------------------------------This would mean to pluck your high E 5 times
-------------------------------- Low E string
. The numbers represent the fret. If numbers are on top of each other
then it means to play them as a chord (at the same time). the tab that you look at usually has a key to show you what the extra symbols mean (slides, HOs and POs etc.) That is just a basic thing to help you understand. Thanks for the help, and don't worry if you can't figure out how to tab it.
# 7

No my man,
I totally understand how to read tab I just dunno how to write :confused: it on these threads... but wait let me try something here... ;) uh duh , now I get it... DER !!!
x = mute then 12th fret 5th position A min G maj
G sus4
--3-------3(let ring)---3(let ring again)--3--3---3--3--------------------
---------------------- 4-/-5------------5--4-/-5--4-------------------
quick slide from 3 to 5
-------------------------------------------------3 (let ring)-------
7th fret = B min 7th
-----0--1-/-3-\-1--0--------- 7-----------10/b--7-----------
-----0--2-/-4-\-2--0--------- 7--------------------7-----------
Bb min Amin Cmaj
-5--/-7-\--5---5-\-3--3---- 0--------------------------------
-3--/-5-\--3---3-\-1--1---- 1----------1--------------7------
-4--/-6-\--4---4-\-2--2---- 0------------0--------------7----
-5--/-7-\--5---5-\-3--3---- 2--------------2-------7------7--
--------------------------- -3-------3-----------5------------
-------7- -7--7--7--7--------------------12--------
the last 12th frets are natural harmonics...
ok , if there are any mistakes here just know i apologize , it's the first time i ever transcribed an entire piece on a computer... i know how to play this song backwards and forwards... so take it easy on any slight mistakes , because IF THERE EVERN ARE ANY I DOUBT THERE THAT BIG...
I totally understand how to read tab I just dunno how to write :confused: it on these threads... but wait let me try something here... ;) uh duh , now I get it... DER !!!
x = mute then 12th fret 5th position A min G maj
G sus4
--3-------3(let ring)---3(let ring again)--3--3---3--3--------------------
---------------------- 4-/-5------------5--4-/-5--4-------------------
quick slide from 3 to 5
-------------------------------------------------3 (let ring)-------
7th fret = B min 7th
-----0--1-/-3-\-1--0--------- 7-----------10/b--7-----------
-----0--2-/-4-\-2--0--------- 7--------------------7-----------
Bb min Amin Cmaj
-5--/-7-\--5---5-\-3--3---- 0--------------------------------
-3--/-5-\--3---3-\-1--1---- 1----------1--------------7------
-4--/-6-\--4---4-\-2--2---- 0------------0--------------7----
-5--/-7-\--5---5-\-3--3---- 2--------------2-------7------7--
--------------------------- -3-------3-----------5------------
-------7- -7--7--7--7--------------------12--------
the last 12th frets are natural harmonics...
ok , if there are any mistakes here just know i apologize , it's the first time i ever transcribed an entire piece on a computer... i know how to play this song backwards and forwards... so take it easy on any slight mistakes , because IF THERE EVERN ARE ANY I DOUBT THERE THAT BIG...
# 8

thanks man, sorry, I had no idea it would take that long. Wow, that was really nice of ya. It seems pretty accurate to me. This will help me learn more of the song when my teacher only has time to teach me a bit of it per week.
Thanks a ton.
Thanks a ton.
# 9

no problem my friend , in fact i oughtta be thanking you for the (common sense) uh duh , you have since provided me with... keep in mind the tanscription I wrote out is reall only the into but it should help you w/ the entire piece , i would think anyway...
good luck , anytime I can help I'd be happy to...
Franky M. (FELLOW SHREDDER AND GUITAR PLAYING "student" , "teacher" & "BROTHER")
good luck , anytime I can help I'd be happy to...
Franky M. (FELLOW SHREDDER AND GUITAR PLAYING "student" , "teacher" & "BROTHER")
# 10