Ah Please Help!

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11/12/2007 9:56 pm
Well I am building a guitar from a few pieces I ordered from the internet, and I'm at a point where the neck I got had some holes in it that were too big and slightly off from the neck plate i have, so I thought I would fill them up with some wood epoxy stuff. Hopefully that is a good idea? :confused:

But my main problem,

When I got to the body drilling for the neck, I drilled one hole and it went pretty well, then I drilled another one and the bit busted inside the wood. I managed to pull it out, but the hole is about two times the width of what the hole should be and went just about all the way through. :eek:

Am I totally screwed? Should I look into a new body or can I just fix any hole with wood epoxy? Thanks for any responses!
# 1
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11/13/2007 12:36 pm
I'm no expert, but when I was in a similar situation I used match sticks and wood glue to pack the gap tight. Then sanded it level with the body once dry and started drilling again.

It worked fine for me...

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# 2
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11/15/2007 2:28 am
Wow dude... Sounds like you have a bit of bad luck on your hands. If I were you, I would try to take it to a professional luthier and have them take a look at it. I wouldn't try anything myself just in case you accidentally ruin it.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.. :( Good luck!
# 3
halfway to somewhere
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halfway to somewhere
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11/19/2007 8:41 pm
Originally Posted by: renI'm no expert, but when I was in a similar situation I used match sticks and wood glue to pack the gap tight. Then sanded it level with the body once dry and started drilling again.

It worked fine for me...

This is what i would do
The neck is held with the pressure of the metal plate and three other screws.
if you always take the lazy route
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# 4
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11/20/2007 9:36 am
I had the exact same problem once (bizarrely :eek: )

Do what they've said about filling the hole, leave it for a day or two then clamp the neck on really tightly before drilling it. As long as you drill slowly you should be ok :D
# 5

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