Roland Micro Cube setting.

Is it possible to get anything close to a metallica sound, on a Roland Micro Cube? If so, could anyone tell me the setting please, or take a picture of the dials or something, Cheers.
# 1

iv not personally used a cube but i guess any of the high gain settings with the midds droped out alot should be reasonable
humans aren't imortal
but rock and roll will never die
my soundclick page nothing very impressive though
but rock and roll will never die
my soundclick page nothing very impressive though
# 2

It probably shouldn't take you long to figure it out yourself (hate to be matter of fact) and only you know what sound you like. Metallica shouldn't be a hard tone to replicate because of the high gain. Although I've never used the RMC (micro cube) I figure you should be able to find it with your own trial and error. This is what I was told when I posted something like this for my marshall. Just try it out man.
# 3

Hey there dude i have a RMC preety nifty little things aint they! Any way As to your q's i would suggest putting it on the R-Fier Setting, put the Tone on about half(about 12), the Gain on at about 3 O'Clock, Volume is up to you but adjust the other setting saccordingly. I put it at about 9 O'Clock. I prefer a thicker tone than this but this should do you quite well for a metallica.
Rock on dude!!!
Rock on dude!!!
Why doesn't my amp go up to 11, :(
Spinal Tap Rock
Spinal Tap Rock
# 4