Take the classic song "Hey Joe", as example.
The progression; Cmaj, Gmaj, Dmaj, Amaj, Emaj--------Has puzzled many in considering what Key, if any, it can associate with..
It could associate with the Key of E, even though the progression starts out with Cmaj, it then ends on Emaj. When looking at the progression in reverse, it goes; E - A - D - G - C.....From this direction the Chord progression is associated by 4ths;
A = 4th of E,,,,,,,,, D = 4th of A,, G = 4 of D,, C = 4 of G,,, etc.........
So, the progression could be written as;
C = IV of IV of IV of IV
G = IV of IV of IV
D = IV of IV
A = IV
E = I
The progression moves in 4ths and ends on the "I" chord.
Anyway, It's a Theory........