Hi Iggy,
The first few years are often emotional in an individual's progress and each attain different results through their journey. No Matter what level of result one has compared to another, the Key is that you enjoy yourself and persist to become better, day by day. Over time the discoveries begin to connect and you enter onto a higher plateau. A more relaxed style begins to develop compared to the heavier concentration in developing the motor skills that was once inevitable. Becoming more satisfied with individual results feeds in the enjoyment for most because you begin to realize that guitar and music in general is a never ending exploration in learning something new. It never ends if you persist to push further in opening doors with more understanding of how to get there. Clearing the way or getting around certain "Road Blocks" will always be a task you're challenged with in Creativity, especially with Seasoned Vets.........Trying to add another Flavor to a certain style is imperative for Originality to exist through playing.
I always remind myself of this from an example I heard years ago.
A band named "Boston" released their Debut and it was just incredible......The Progressions, Riffs, Licks, phrasing and Lyrics were Genius. They couldn't have done better IMO.............
Then they released their 2nd album......It sounded exactly the same as what was already heard before. Still sounded good and had great songs, but they should have just released a Double Debut album (the Debut album is only 37 minutes long with 8 songs total).
Such talented musicians, who I'm sure became extremely Frustrated......
The Debut album sold over 17 Million copies, The 2nd album didn't even come near those sales....
On the bright side, it was a lesson that taught many other musicians what to watch out for in pursuit to continue with Originality.