I wasn't going to post this here but after listening to Superhuman's latest technical masterpiece I thought I would post the exact opposite of his work :D . Hey Super I think some of these guys need to hear primitive music to see there is room for everyone in the music scene :p . This one is played on one of my homemade 4 String Cigar Box Slide Guitars and I sing it with a head cold and my already bad voice...... :o You guys will get a kick out of it I think.
Midnight Special
Primal Rock

# 1

I thought it sounded perfect. Maybe bring the guitar (cigar box) out a little more. Thats a very minor personal taste. But I thought you captured it pretty Darn Good!
# 2

Powerful as it is soulful! Love it.
This is the kind of music I grew up on :)
A refreshing piece of music where THE MUSIC takes priority over everything else. A very nice break from all the over produced sounds we are listening on commercial radio.
Thanks for posting and sharing it.
This is the kind of music I grew up on :)
A refreshing piece of music where THE MUSIC takes priority over everything else. A very nice break from all the over produced sounds we are listening on commercial radio.
Thanks for posting and sharing it.
# 3

Realy like the tone from the cigar box (a little out of tune but then again it fits the sound for the song) - sounds like its straight out of the deep south! Vocals work well too! Sounds like oe of those old recordings - you do it all live into a single mic? Makes a nice atmosphere - even the vocal clips fit!
# 4

Thanks guys for taking the time to listen and comment. I know it's pretty rural to say the least. Superhuman the guitar is a 4 string fretless cigar box guitar I build myself for relaxation. It's played strictly with a slide so the guitar is in tune if I hit everything just right :rolleyes: . If you go to my soundclick link and scroll down my music page to the songs..."Trans-American Hobo Jam" and "Awakin" they are played on a 4 string fretless slide CBG as well. No singing on those song I promise and they are original songs by me.
Thanks for again for the comments everyone.
Thanks for again for the comments everyone.
# 5

Nice to hear this style for a change.
It really gets back to the real groove of the guitar, the roots bla bla bla yada yada if a know wat i mean.
A great listen Nick :)
It really gets back to the real groove of the guitar, the roots bla bla bla yada yada if a know wat i mean.
A great listen Nick :)
# 6