
# 1

The time you had to invest in typing up this post is so much more time than it would have took you to just look that **** up yourself it isn't even funny.
Your on the internet. Use it.
Your on the internet. Use it.
# 2
Drew speaks the truth, Google works wonders.
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 3

# 4
His Les Paul has a "kill" switch on it which he uses a lot. That's probably what you're thinking of.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 5

lol i already have done that drew but i havent found anything that i ahvent hears so far, so yeah, no need to freak out lol
# 6
Well, if you googled his name your going to get two things at the top of the list.One being his website which I find it hard to believe that he would't update with tour and album information, the other being a wikipedia page which will do th same. Drew backlashed a little because we get these kind of questions all the time, and the only was we could find the answer is to use Google, which you could do easily yourself.
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 7

I honestly think buckethead is overrated. One reason why I really don't like him is because I forgot where I read it but he was saying something like he's one of those guitarist that doesn't care to be well known and how he doesn't care to have all of the spotlight on him. He does what he does just cause he loves to play guitar....(Something along those lines)
Well...then why the hell does he come out on stage with a bucket on his head?
Well...then why the hell does he come out on stage with a bucket on his head?
# 8
Because he enjoys it?
I've seen Buckethead play twice – once as a solo act opening for Primus and the second time headlining with a touring band.
The best way to describe the first show which really gets to the heart of what he's about is it was more like watching an actor do a monologue than it was seeing a guitarist play music. I think he enjoys the theatrical aspect of what he's doing as much as the musical aspect.
It really all comes down to basically the same thing: The love of the music and the performance.
I've seen Buckethead play twice – once as a solo act opening for Primus and the second time headlining with a touring band.
The best way to describe the first show which really gets to the heart of what he's about is it was more like watching an actor do a monologue than it was seeing a guitarist play music. I think he enjoys the theatrical aspect of what he's doing as much as the musical aspect.
It really all comes down to basically the same thing: The love of the music and the performance.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 9

i agree with the dude above, he doesnt really do it to get atention cuz its always been like that from the very beggining, if some famous gutiar player decides to wear wings after he has become famous then that trying to get attention, because what would buckethead be without his bucket its part of his persona and hes not trying to gain publicity he just wants his music and performances on tour to shine
# 10

Alright, I see where yall are coming from now. If he just randomly did it one day then yeah, but now that you say that point, I understand.
# 11