Hope nobody minds a small review of each track - constructive criticisms and thoughts only :) Please don't be offended if I mention something that could be improved - only trying to help.
Seazer - nice take my man, you used a similar tone to myself for the first solo then splashed into a big reverb high gain which also sounded good. Liked the way you used a few different tones throughout the track. A few off notes in there but they didn't spoil it, nice work with the pentatonics - had a 70's rock feel to it is places. My constructive crits, there were a few phrases that had some nice momentum and were definitely going somewhere thematically - focus on those and you get a full solo with a beginning middle and end. Other parts were played well but had the up and down the scale feel - not a negative! You can make those runs a lot more interesting by throwing in some staccato and syncopation - same notes with a more spicy feel. Nice take, you've got good skills.
Equator - man you have improved a lot in the last couple of months. Those arpeggios sweeps at the beginning rocked, very precise and clean - nice job. The rest of the track had a nice feel, some solid themes in there and good direction. Only crit was that I would have liked to have heard a few more splashes of fancy fretwork thrown in to the main body of the solo. One other small thing, the tuning may have been ever slightly out on one or two strings, easy way around that is to throw in plenty of wide vibrato. Nice mix of scales btw, really liked the change after the drum break towards the end, you could really develop that progression into something cool in a full length track. Nicely done, BTW you've got some great looking women on your page!
dethm3tal - different take on the track altogether, started with a definite idea in mind. The tone could sound better with a bit of light delay and some reverb - would make those sustained sections ring out longer. Nice pentatonic runs in there and some good harmonic minor parts too. Crits were on the faster sections - kind of went out of time in parts and lost the flow from the previous parts but I could see where you were aiming for. Overall another good attempt. IMO your pickups are the culprit when it comes to the lack of sustain, easily fixed though.
Some really nice ideas in each track so far, glad I didn't listen to them before recording my own because I would have definitely used at least two phrases from each!