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My Baby's a Fender!
Joined: 11/20/05
Posts: 657
My Baby's a Fender!
Joined: 11/20/05
Posts: 657
08/31/2007 11:15 pm
Unfortunately with school starting next week and my double dosage of private lessons starting as well, I have no more need for the full access subscription, and must cancel to avoid making unessesary payments. I've learned quite a few key things from these lessons, but I must move on to bigger and better things. Awww... shucks, I'll be back for full access next summer anywho. :rolleyes:
"Gypsy flies from coast to coast, knowing many loving none." -Allmans

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09/01/2007 2:22 pm
Well be here when you get back ;)

Cya next summer
# 2
Guitar Tricks Manager
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Guitar Tricks Manager
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09/01/2007 5:33 pm
Good luck with your semester. See you next summer!
# 3
Humble student
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Humble student
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09/01/2007 7:57 pm
Originally Posted by: WeslabaUnfortunately with school starting next week and my double dosage of private lessons starting as well, I have no more need for the full access subscription, and must cancel to avoid making unessesary payments. I've learned quite a few key things from these lessons, but I must move on to bigger and better things. Awww... shucks, I'll be back for full access next summer anywho. :rolleyes:

Kick butt at school and we'll see you next year! :)
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 4
Registered User
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09/01/2007 10:32 pm
I'm new and wondered if any1 wanted 2 chat ever? If any1 has IM (for yahoo or msn) email me 1st at dolphinsrock_94 [at] thanks. I love the band rush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 5
My Baby's a Fender!
Joined: 11/20/05
Posts: 657
My Baby's a Fender!
Joined: 11/20/05
Posts: 657
09/01/2007 11:38 pm
Originally Posted by: hunter60Kick butt at school and we'll see you next year! :)

Well theres no doubt I'll be flocking to the forum daily, but the lessons are just gonna have to stop. Oh well.
"Gypsy flies from coast to coast, knowing many loving none." -Allmans

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