New here

Gday my name is Kevin Shanahan I am a flamenco style player from Australia I have a very similar style to Gabriella of , Rodrigo y Gabriella . I am mainly here to aid my own guitar teaching for primary school students . You can check out some of my playing at just look up Kev Shanahan in the artist search . Anyway look forward to being a part of this site bye for now.
# 1
Welcome to GT! I'm sure you'll find the site to be very valuable to you. I will check out your site. Enjoy!
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 2
Welcome to GT!... :)
Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]
# 3
Hi Kevin,
Teaching guitar in primary school, Nice!
I wish they had that at my school when I was a kid.
I'd suggestion you look at Lisa McCormick, Christopher Schlegel and Bobby Howe instructor section. I believe they might have material that can help you out.
Teaching guitar in primary school, Nice!
I wish they had that at my school when I was a kid.
I'd suggestion you look at Lisa McCormick, Christopher Schlegel and Bobby Howe instructor section. I believe they might have material that can help you out.
# 4
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