Originally Posted by: dvenetian ... to realize when focusing on a Major Barre Chord, is that the M3rd is actually a 10th from the Root and a 3rd from the Octave. So it's still a 3rd.[/quote]
Yep. Chord tones in different octaves are still just chord tones ... in different octaves.
If I play an "A" Major Barre Chord, C# is the M3rd, correct???
What happens if I play an "A7" chord?? Isn't C# still the 3rd even though the Octave is replaced by a b7th note??????????
In a dominant chord (or major 7th, minor7th) the seventh does not replace the octave (or ny other chord tone). It is added to the chord tones already present.
So any arrangement of various A's, C#'s and E's is an A major chord. It might be a different inversion or voicing, but it is still "just" an A major chord. Makes no difference if there is one A or 20 of them. Adding a G makes it an A7. Make sense?